War Of 1812

  • British Seize Ships

    The British begin a blockade which the American ships get caught in the middle of and end up being seized.
  • Embargo Act

    Thomas Jefferson tried peacefully persuading the British by creating the Embargo Act, but at the same time it hurt his own country economically.
  • Presidential Inauguration

    James Madison is inaugurated as president of the United States.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    The Americans defeat the Indians in the Battle of Tippecanoe.
  • Madison's Reccomendation

    Madison's recommendation to Congress to declare war over sailor's rights and British support of western frontier tribes.
  • Pass of Bill

    House of Representatives pass the war bill.
  • Declare War

    America declares war against the British. This war is known as "Mr. Madison's War" or "The Second American Revolution."
  • Madsion Signs Bill

    Senate passes House bill and Madison signs War Bill.
  • Declare War

    U.S. President Madison declares war or Great Britain.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent signed to end war.