war of 1812

  • Jefferson is re-elected

    Jefferson is re-elected
    Jefferson was a part of the republicans and ra against John Adams. He was reelected in 1804 and ran for 2 terms.
  • Embargo Act

    Thomas Jefferson resistance to Britan and France of U.S carrying war things.
  • Madison became president

    Maddison ran against Charles C. and was apart of the republican party
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    It was a war between U.S. and Indian tribes for land
  • Battle at lake Chaplain

    It ended the war of 1812 with American victory and invasions ended
  • War of 1812 begins

    Madison declared war for the first time and it was this war.
  • Battle of lake Erie

    It was durring the war of 1812 and the U.S navy prevaild over British.
  • battle of Thames

    U.S defeated the British and started this with British and Native Americans
  • British burn Washington

    Durring the battle with U.S. and British. British burned down Washinton diurring the war but in the end Americans won
  • treaty of Ghent

    It was signed by U.S. and British reps and settle boundary with U.S. and Canada
  • Battle at New Orleans

    It was the last major war in the battle of 1812 were British went against U.S