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War of 1812

  • Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

    Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality
    This was a proclamation to stay out of war between Britain and France. Geroge Washington made this proclamation becasue he did not want America to go thorugh another war, choose sides, or even lose trade form ethier country. Washington knew that young America can't handle another war, America couldn't handle more debt or lose trade with etheir conutries. This is why Washington choose to stay neutral and stay out of the war.
  • Impressment of Soldiers (1793-1812)

    Impressment of Soldiers (1793-1812)
    When Washington proclaimed that America would stay neutral both countries got paranoid about America helping out the other side. Both conutries then decided to seize ships and take Americans hostage. When they did this they would threaten their hostages to join their military and fight in their war. This staretd in 1793 and kept going until it became one of the reason we fought in the War of 1812.
  • Jay Treaty

    Jay Treaty
    This was a treaty made by John Jay towards Britain. Washington sent John Jay to try to reson with the Bristh since they were stealing ships and Americans. This treaty did not do its job and only pervennt Britian from going to war with us. The treaty favored the British because it restricted our commercial access to the West Indies.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Washington's Farewell Address
    Washington's Farewell Address was meant to inform the people of him resigning form office. In his address he would thank the people for the wisdom he gained and he even gave advise for the people goign forward with their new country. He told them to never make permanent alliance just yet becasue of how young our conutry was, and that they were indepnet. He stressed to them that they were free and have the power over the government.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
    The ship Chesapeake sailed form Northfolk to the Mediterranean, and this ship had guns not proprley stowed and cargo. This made the ship a traget for the British to seize their ship and take the saloirs hostage. This affair would lead us colser to fight with the British, because they took ships and people and used them for their own war with France.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    Embargo Act 1807
    This embargo was created by Jefferson when he was in office as our third persident. This embargo meant that we couldn't trade with France and Britain. Jefferson wanted to show Fracne and Britain to repsect our neutrality, but this backfired because they were are main trade partners. America suffered more than the other two conutries because they could just get their supplies form other trade they had.
  • Tecumseh

    A Shawnee Chief by the name of Tecumseh tried to negotitae with the American Government to stop the western expansoin. The chief wanted Americans to stop pushing the natives out of their homes just for some more land. Negotiations failed and then violence begun, and the chief allied himself with the British.
  • War Hawks

    War Hawks
    War Hawks was a group of young politicians that normally came from the south or west. They were legislators made to guide the United States to war. The leaders of this group were Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Felix Grundy. They wanted to keep pushing for more land and expand our territory, so that is why they were so keen on fighitng in the war.
  • Tecumseh 2

    Tecumseh 2
    Tecumseh gather his followers together to fight with the British agaisnt the U.S. in the War of 1812. Him and his followers joined in Michigan, and played a who part in deafeaing America at the Siege of Detroit. After the siege Tecumseh meant up with the British's Major-General and helped out with the invasion of Ohio.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    War of 1812 Begins
    The war of 1812 is known as a small conflit between America and Britain. The casues of this war incudle trade restrictions made by the British, Americans on seized ships were being taken and froced to fight for the British, and the U.S. wanting more land. This war lasted for about 4 years ending in February, 1815. For the British this war was nothing compared to the war with France. This war would lead to the signing of the Treaty of Ghent.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Hartfrod Convention was a meeting between Federalist delegates that oppsed Madison's trade policies. The result of this conventionn was a delcartion to pretec New England and give finacial aid for there bad trade economy. They did this becasue they were terrified of a land invasion.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    This was the treaty that ended the War of 1812. This treaty stated that all the land gained would be returnd like how it was beofre the war. This treaty did not declare a clear winner or loser, but it benfitted both sides. It ended a war and no land was lost form both sides. This treaty made peace between the U.S. and Britain that would end up as long-term peace.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The battale of New Orleans was the final major battle of the war. This war was fought with both sides not knowing a peace treaty was signed. The British wanted to take New Orleans, but Andrew Jackson came to defned the city by drafting everyone to help. The U.S. ended up drivng them out, but this battle had no real effect on the end of the war thanks to the Treaty of Ghent. This did give Andrew Jackson more support in the future when he runs for president.