War of 1812

War of 1812

  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    The Battle of Lake Erie was when Oliver Hazard Perry had Defeated the British and Captured the British Fleet. It took Place in Lake Erie and the Battle happended because the British were ship jacking the American ships.
  • Battle of HorseShoe Bend

    Battle of HorseShoe Bend
    The Red Sticka and Andrew Jackson had also been a part of this Battle of the HorseShoe Bend in 1814. The Americans and the Indians had been fighting on the land of Central Alabama, The Americans had been mad because the British had bben supporting the Inidans to take over the Land.
  • British Attack Washington

    British Attack Washington
    The British sacked Washington D.C George Glieg was a part of the sack. and the burning down of The White House. This happened in June 8 through Juna 10th in 1814. AFter Napoleon Bonaparte in 1814of April the Britih were able to get more troops and ships to Prosectue against the United States.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Andrew Jackson and Jean Lafite were to important men that took place in this Battle. Andrew Jackson had freed African American slaves in New Orleans. This happended because the Britsih had invaded New Orleans because they had a good trade and the british wanted to take over it.
  • Attack of Fort McHenry

    Attack of Fort McHenry
    Vice Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrone and General Samuel had been in this Battle at Fort McHenry. The British had fought Americans Privatters in Baltimore, Maryland at Chesapeake Harbor. This Battle all started because the British wanted to take over the Harbor.