War of 1812

  • President Madison takes office

    President Madison takes office
    The tension with Britain was high. The Americans were very angry with Britain because they were arming Native Americans in the North West. The Americans also disagreed with the impressment of the American sailors by Britain.
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • War Hawks Take power

    War Hawks Take power
    War Hawks "are people who are eager for war with Britain". Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun became leaders in the House of Representatives. Their supporters were called "war hawks".
  • Realations with Great Britain Worson

    Realations with Great Britain Worson
    In the Spring of 1812, Britain told the United States that they would keep impressing sailors. At the same time this was happening, Native Americans in the Northwest were planning new attacks on frontier settlements. In June of 1812, Congress declared war with Britain.
  • Congress declares war with Britain

    Congress declares war with Britain
    The British were still at war with with Europe. The Americans were very cofident that they were going to win, but the United States realized that they were not prepared for war. They had a small army, military and navy.
  • America is not ready for war

    America is not ready for war
    The American mlitary was weakened because of Jefferson's spending cuts. There were only 16 war ships that the Navy had ready. Also, there were fewer than 7,000 men in the army.
  • Britain Blockades American ports

    Britain Blockades American ports
    Eventually,The British navy had 135 warships blockading the American ports. In the end the British were able to close off all of the American ports. In the beginning of the war there was a major sea battle.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    Before the war war, hawks were demanding an invasion of Canada. In the summer of 1812, General William Hull and his American troops invaded Canada from Detroit. Fearing they did not have enough soliders, he retreated. General Isaac Brock, the British commander, quickly surround Hull's army and forced them to surrender. During the war the British captured over 2,000 American soldiers.
  • USS Constitution scores a victory

    USS Constitution scores a victory
    In the summer of 1812, the USS Constitution defeated the British warship, Guerriere in a complicated battle. American soldiers named the Constiution "Old Ironsides" because when the British fired it would bounce off the ships thickwooden hull.
  • Second battle of Sacket's Harbor

    Second battle of Sacket's Harbor
    Some British troops were sent across Lake Ontario to try and capture the town. Lake Ontario was the American naval base. They were driven away American regulars and Militia.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    9 vessals of the United States Navy captured 6 Britih Navy vessals. This achievement guaranteed the Americans that they had control of the lake for the rest of the war. The Battle of Lake Erie was one of the biggest Navel battles in the War of 1812.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    The battle was a very important victory for Americans. The Shawnee Chief Tecumseh gave his life to this battle. The Battle of Thames was also known as The Battle of Moraviantown. It happened in upper Canada and Ontario.
  • Battle of Horsehoe Bend

    Battle of Horsehoe Bend
    This battle was fought in Central Alabama during the War of 1812. Colonel Andrew Jackson's U.S army and some Indian allies defeated the Red Sticks. The Red Sticks were part of the Creek Indian Tribe. This battle effected the Creek war so bad that it ended it.
  • Battle of Fort Oswego

    Battle of Fort Oswego
    The battle was a successful raid on an American fort. Fort Oswego was an important staging area for American supplies. The British attacked Fort Oswego because it was smaller. They felt that it would be an easy victory. After raiding the fort they gathered 2,400 barrels in useful supples.
  • Washinton D.C Attacked & Burned

    Washinton D.C Attacked & Burned
    British forces marched into the nations capitol. Dolly Madison ran from the White House. Good thing she did becasue they set fire to the White House and to several other historical buildings.
  • Battle of Plattsburgh

    Battle of Plattsburgh
    This battle was the final invasion of the northern states. The British army went to the lake side of Plattsburgh, but was defended by the American army. Caption George Downie's army attacked late that night. He was defeated after a long hard fight were he was killed.
  • Attack on Baltimore & the Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    Attack on Baltimore & the Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
    British warships bombed Fort McHenry. This battle was the turning point in the war. Francis Dcott Key was watching the battle and discovered that the American Flag was still standing. Thats when he was inspired to write the "Star Spangled Banner". But first he wrote a poem called "Defense of Fort McHenry".
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    Where New England Federalists discussed complaints about the War of 1812. They talked more about getting rid of the Three-Fifths Compromise. They also dicussed their grievances about the Louisana Purchase and the Embargo of 1807.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent was the peace treaty to end the war of 1812 between the U.S.A and Britian. This treaty released all prisoners and restored all warlands and boats. The British returned about 10,000,000 acres of land to America.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    This battle was the final big battle of the war. Andrew Jackson's American forces attacked British forces when they tried to capture New Orleans. Theree was an announcement that peace would not hit the combatants until the end of February. This was the final American victory of the War of 1812.