Unit 8- The Great War and the Impact of World War I

  • Chinese Nationalists Oust the Last Qing Emperor, Puyi

    Chinese Nationalists Oust the Last Qing Emperor, Puyi
    The Revolutionary Alliance overthrew the last Qing emperor. The Qing dynasty had been ruling China since 1644, so this was a major accomplishment to the Nationalists.
  • World War I Begins as Austria Declares War on Serbia

    World War I Begins as Austria Declares War on Serbia
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were travelling to Bosnia, the capital of Serbia. Gavrillo Princip, a member of the Black- Hand society, killed both of them. This left Austria outraged and they declared war on Serbia.
  • US Enters the War

    US Enters the War
    There were a couple incidences that made the US enter the war. The first was that the Germans started using unrestricted submarine warfare and sinked a ship with American passengers. The second incidence was that Germany sent a telegram to Mexico that stated that they would help Mexico reconquer their land back from the United States.
  • Armistice Signed as Allies Defeat the Central Powers

    Armistice Signed as Allies Defeat the Central Powers
    Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany had just stepped down from power and Germany declared itself a republic. They then signed an armistice, an agreement to stop fighting, and World War I came to an end.
  • Gandhi Leads Indian Campaign of Civil Disobedience

    Gandhi Leads Indian Campaign of Civil Disobedience
    Gandhi decided to use civil disobedience, the deliberate and public refusal to obey an unjust law, and nonviolence as the means to acheive independence, to gain independence from Britain. Gandhi used boycotts, strikes, demonstrations, and marches to be granted limited self- rule, and in the end, freedom.
  • Mustafa Kemal Transforms Turkey into a Republic

    Mustafa Kemal Transforms Turkey into a Republic
    Greek soldiers invaded Turkey and threatened to conquer them, but a brilliant commander, Mustafa Kemal, defended Turkey and won peace. In 1923, Mustafa Kemal declared Turkey a republic and made himself the president.He modernized Turkey and gave the Turks a new sense of national identity.
  • Mao Zedong Heads Long March

    Mao Zedong Heads Long March
    At first, the Communists and Nationalists were at peace, but then the tension grew. The KMT surrounded the Chinese Communist Party and followed them for 6,000 miles. This would later be known as the Long March.