
Unit 6 timeline

  • Steam Engine, James Watt

    Steam Engine, James Watt
    James Watt was very interested in the use of steam as a power source. He was interested in how it could be made into a transportation source also. So he used Thomas Newcomin’s steam engine used to pump water out of wells and then redesigned it so that it could be used practically for transportation. We still used his designs today for some trains.
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    The revolution started with the bad leadership of King Louis the 16th and the worsening condition of the people. When the people stormed the Bastille, a local armory and prison, they had the recourses for a revolt. Then they captured the king. This is when the reign of terror started, and the guillotine was invented. Then the king was executed along with about 17,000 other people. The revolution ended with Napoleon overthrowing the directory and becoming emperor.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian Revolution was a period of conflict between the French colonies and Haiti over Slavery. France and other countries didn't want Haiti to be an independent country ruled by African-Americans. Napoleon, the leader of France, sent armies to recapture Haiti. They didn’t capture Haiti, but they captured Toussaint Louverture, a Haiti leader. He died in prison and Haiti became independent in 1804.
  • Independance of mexico

    Independance of mexico
    The Mexican War of Indepndence was fought from 1810-1821 The Mexicans were breaking free from Spain. This united Mexico people. It was important because the Treaty of Cordoba united Mexico, and stated that it was indepent.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna was an international conference that was called in order to remake Europe after the downfall of Napoleon I. Many territorial decisions had to be made in the conference that was held in Vienna, Austria, The main goal of the conference was to create a balance of power that would preserve the peace.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    The British wanted many goods from China but China did not want much from the British. So the British begain to import opium because they were able to grow it in India. China soon became addicted and the British were trading. The Chinese government attempted to hold back the trade by saying it was illegal but the British did not care. The Treaty of Nanking was signed on August 29,1842. It allowed basically anything the British wanted from China and it also opened China to more Western influence.
  • Comunist manifesto

    Comunist manifesto
    "The Communist Manifesto" is a book written by Karl Marx. This book described the trouble between different social classes. Marx predicted that the common people would run the society. This book was important because it gave an idea to people, that everyone should be equal and have the same amount of power. He enforced the workers to unite with one another and not have someone with higher authority than another.
  • Matt Perry goes to japan

    Matt Perry goes to japan
    Matthew Perry went to Japan twice. The first time he arrived in Japan on July 8,1853. He went to the capital and demanded Japan opened their ports. Japan said no and Matthew Perry had a second visit in Feburary, 1854. On March 8th, 1854 Matthew Perry and the Japanese sat down to create the Treaty of Kanagawa. This treaty forced them to trade with him.
  • Sepoy Munity

    Sepoy Munity
    This Sepoy Mutiny was an Indian Rebelluion of 1857. This was also known as India's first war of Independence. The Bristish trained these Indians to be good soldiers. They got mad about farm animals, specifically cows. They formed a group and took Kanpur and Delhi.
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    Princes of the German states gathered there to proclaim Wilhelm of Prussia as Emperor Wilhelm of the German Empire after the French capitulation in the Franco-Prussian War.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    King Leopod II split up Africa for colonization without any African representatives at the confrence. In the year 1914 only Ethiopia and Liberia were independent.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The Russo- Japanese War was fought from 1904-1905. This was was fought over conflict between Russia and Japan. Both countries wanted to expand. Both countries fought eachother, Japan gets the credit for winning. This war was important because Japan gains Korea and Manchuria.
  • Zulu Uprisisng

    Zulu Uprisisng
    The Zulu Uprising was when the British started taxing South Africa. The British needed more workers for their farms, so they taxed the Zulu tribe in South Africa. The Zulu tribe wasn't very happy so they rebelled and started an uprising. This was an important event in history because it was the beginning of black resistance with colonial oppression.
  • DR. Sun yat-san takes over china

    DR. Sun yat-san takes over china
    Dr. Sun Yat-sen wanted a republic based on the three principles of the people. They are, Nationalism, Democracy, and Livelihood. He was then named the President of new republic.