Unit 4 1750 to 1914 Mueggenborg

  • Industrial Revolution

    -New inventions were being created, and factories followed soon thereafter
    -Factory owners, needing cheap, unskilled labor, profited greatly by using children and women to run the machines
    -People got sick and died because of the toxic fumes, while others were severely injured and sometimes killed working at the dangerous machines in factories
    -Eli Whitney invented The Cotton Gin and Robert Fulton invented The Steam Engine
    -Railroads were used more
  • Seven Years War

    -It was the first global conflict
    -It was fought in Europe, North America, and India
    -The war was between France, Austria, Russia, Saxony, Sweden, and Spain on the one side and Prussia, Great Britain, and Hanover on the other.
    -The confilct, the fourth such colonial war between the kingdoms of France and Great Britain, resulted in the British conquest of Canada
  • Invention of the Water Frame

    -It was invented by Richard Arkwright
    -It could produce stronger threads for yarns
    -It was powered by waterwheels
    -It was the first powered, automatic, and continuous textile machine
  • Invention of the Spinning Jenny

    -It was invented by James Hargreaves
    -It cut back the amount of work required to make yarn
    -It was a hand-powered multiple spinning machine
    -Made more money
  • Watt's Steam Engine

    -It was the first type of steam engine to make use of steam at a pressure just above atmospheric to drive the piston helped by a partial vacuum
    -It offered a dramatic increase in fuel efficiency
    -It had a condenser that could be cool while the cylinder was hot
    -It became the dominant design for all modern steam engines and helped bring about the Industrial Revolution
  • Toussaint L'Ouverture

    -He was the leader of the Haitian Revolution.
    -He was former slave but his masters allowed him to learn
    -He defeated the British, Spanish, and French troops
    -He promulgated an autonomist constitution for the colony, with himself as governor for life
  • Whitney's Cotton Gin

    -The hand crank moved the cotton to the sawtooth wheels, which pulled the fiber through wire slots, separating it from the seeds that fell into the bottom of the gin. Brushes moved the cotton and cleaned it off the sawteeth
    -It offered major labor savings over the costs of separating the seeds from the cotton fiber by hand
  • Britain Outlaws Slave Trade

    -"An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade"
    -Britain began to see slavery as immoral
    -British governments supported the policy of ending the slave-trade
    -By 1807 the abolitionist groups had a very sizable faction
    -Saw the personal battle against slavery as a divinely ordained crusade
  • Mexican Independence

    -1810 Priest Father Miguel Hidalgo started revolt against Spanish rule
    -After Mexican-born Spanish and Catholic Church joined, Spain was defeated
    -The people fought for 11 years before they won their independence
    -Even after Hidalgo's execution, people continued to fight
    -Mexico got out of Spain grasp
  • Brazilian Independence

    -Constitutionalist Revolution erupted in Portugal
    -Revolution initiated the meeting of the Cortes to create constitution
    -Brazilians dissatisfied with Cortes measurements
    -Liberals and Bonifacians arose to keep Brazil united with Portugal
    -Brazlians and Portuguese began to have conflicts and wars erupted
    -Independence was given after the las Portuguese garrisons surrendered
  • Dissolution of Janissaries

    -Janissaries became aware of their own importance and desired a better life
    -Effectiveness as combat troops decreased
    -Janissaries became a "serious threat" to Empire
    -The Janissaries abused power, had military ineffectiveness, and were not actual serving soldiers
    -Sultan claimed he was creating a better army, so the Janissaries retaliated, and try to attack the Sultan
    -The Janissaries' barracks were set to flames and whoever lived was executed
  • Greek Independence

    -When Greece came under Ottoman rule, revolts began to spark
    -Filiki Eteria was formed as organization to create revolts against the Peloponnese
    -War was declared upon the Ottomans
    -Greek navy was defeating the Ottoman navy
    -Civil war started in Greece between factions
    -Ibrahim was sent to negotiate and suppress the revolt with territorial gain
    -After more years of negotiation, Greece won their independence
  • Invention of the Telegraph

    -It was invente by Samuel F.B Morse
    -It transmitted electric signals over wires from location to location that translated into a message
    -Telegraph wires were strung along railroad lines in many areas.
    -It transmit signals which would later be called Morse Code
  • Afrikaner's Great Trek

    -Eastward and north-eastward migration away from British control
    -Led to the founding of numerous Boer republics, the Natalia Republic, the Orange Free State Republic
    -Migrants also sought fertile farmland
    -Resulted from increasing population pressures
    -Only a small number actually migrated
  • Opium Wars

    -Began with disputes over trade and diplomatic relations between China, Qing Dynasty, and the British Empire
    -Canton System restricted trade to one port and did not allow trade with China
    -British faced imbalance in trade with China, and invested in opium to redress the balance
    -Chinese emperor found out and wanted to put a tax on the drug of seize it
    -The emperor arrest the chinese opium dealers and completely shut off trades
    -Britain was angered and sent troops to China
    -Treaties were created
  • Revolutions in Austria ,Germany, Hunagary, and Italy

    -All revolutions failed with the restoration of either dictatorship or the reestablishment of conservative rule
    -Internal divisions based on nationalism and on a radical/liberal split weakened the revolutionaries
    -France wanted universal suffarage and other countries followed their idea so they revolted
    -Louis Napoleon took power in a coup d'etat in France, and Italy failed due to Italian's protectiveness of their independence
  • Commodore Mathew Perry in Japan

    -He was instructed to negotiate a treaty with Japan to seek an agreement which would open at least one Japanese port to trade and would secure the protection of American seamen and property in that country
    -The Japanese permitted him to land on the 14th to present his letter
    -He got the Japanese officials to sign the Treaty of Kanagawa
  • Crimean War

    -War was based from contest between major European powers to gain territory from declining Ottoman Empire
    -Took place in Crimean Peninsula
    -First "modern" war from use of new technical aspects
    -Created modern nursing practices from wounded soldiers
    -All major powers wanted a piece of the Holy Land
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    -Britain colonized India (the Sepoys)
    -Britain recruited the Sepoys into the army
    -Imperialism changed the aspects of India through technology, religion and land ownership
    -Small outbreaks of revolts began to happen
    -British were planning to turn the Sepoys into Christians
    -Thus the largest revolt happened
    -Battles were fought and eventually the Sepoys were killed and British power was restored
  • End of Atlantic Slave Trade

    -Opposition began against slave trade
    -Opposition led by Quakers and Evangelicals
    -Movement was joined by many and began to protest against the trade
    -Importation of slaves was stopped
    -President Jefferson abolished importation of slavery
    -A preventive squadron was place at the coast of Africa to operate against slave traders
    -Slavery was later on illegal and abolished
  • Emancipation of Russian Serfs

    -More than 23million people received liberty
    -Serfs were granted full rights as citizens
    -House serfs were granted freedom, but no land
    -Only Private Estate serfs where granted land
    -Alexander II was willing to abolish the restrictions of serfs
  • Taiping Rebellion

    -Led against the Qing Dynasty rule
    -Qing Dynasty caused natural disasters and economic problems
    -Hong Xiuquan created the empire to rise against the Qing Dynasty
    -Eventually all the Taiping Rebels died off
  • Meiji Restoration

    -Meijij was an emporer
    -During the Meiji period Japan struggled for recognition with Western nations
    -Japan was highly successful in organizing an industrial
    -Japan's mistake was that it entered into the Western dominated world order at a late stage
    -Colonialism and the racist ideology that accompanied it, were too entrenched in Western countries to allow an "upstart," nonwhite nation to enter the race for natural resources and markets as an equal
  • Suez Canal

    -It is a water way the connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
    -It took 10 years to build
    -It allows water transportation between Europe and Asia without navigation around Africa
    -The canal is owned and maintained by the Suez Canal Authority of the Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Boxer Rebellion

    -Groups of peasants in northern China began to band together into a secret society called the "Boxers" by Western press
    -The Boxers wanted to destroy the Ch'ing dynasty and wanted to rid China of all foreign influence
    -When the Empress Dowager backed the Boxers, the Boxers turned solely to ridding China of foreigners
    -Boxers were massacring Christian missionaries and Chinese Christians
    -The Boxer Rebellion weakened the Ch'ing dynasty's power
  • Aswan Dam

    -It has the ability to control flood waters and harness the hydroelectric power that it could produce
    -It promoted good fising and created electricity for factories, but also grows crops that kill plants and have disease carrying snails
    -The dam has had a significant impact on the economy and culture of Egypt.
    -It allowed to retain water for later use
  • Overthrow of Qing Dynsaty

    -The Chinese Revolution overthrew the Qing Dynasty
    -After it was overthrown, China became a republic
    -After the middle period, all kinds of social contradictions increasingly surfaced and the Qing Dynasty began to decline
    -Under the corrupt ruling of the later rulers, various rebellions and uprisings broke out
    -When the Opium War broke out, the Qing court was faced with troubles at home and aggression from abroad
  • African National Congress

    -It is a national liberation movement
    -It formed to unite the African people and spearhead the struggle for fundamental political, social and economic change.
    -It's key objective is the creation of a united, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic society
    -The Freedom Charterremains the basic policy document of the ANC.
  • Panama Canal

    -It is a key conduit for international maritime trade
    -The first attempt to construct a canal began in 1880 under French leadership, but was abandoned after 21,900 workers died, mainly from disease and landslides.
    -The waterway was assumed by the Panama Canal Authority, an agency of the Panamanian government.
  • Britain Takes Over India

    -East India Company joined with Royal Navy during Seven Year's War, and continued to operate outside of India
    -Soon they moved inward toward India during the opium export trades
    -Confiscation of opium Chinese dealers led to Britain to attack and conquer Hong Kong
    -The Sepoys began to revolt, but Britain soon put a stop to them and rose to an even higher power in India
  • Imperialization of Africa

    -Process of invasion, attack, occupation, and annexation of African territory
    -New advance technologies such as machine guns were used to imperialize Africa
    -African polities did not have a united front so they were unable to defend themselves
    -Major European powers, even America, were trying to get African territory during this New Imperialism era
    -Africa was heavily divided between countrys' territories and greatly influenced by their cultures