Towako Hiramatsu

  • Period: 1000 to

    Russia serdom

    At the lowest level were the peasants, few of whom were free. Most of them spent their entire lives as crippled peasants, called serfs.
  • Period: 1100 to

    Japan feudalism

    A social and political system in which a lord under a monarch controls the land and governs the people of the land.
    In Japan, there are gon and houko
  • 1271

    Kublaihan China

    He was a Mongol invader and founded China. But his dynasty crumbled in less than a century.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Ottoman Empire

    It extended not only to modern-day Turkey but also to the Balkan region of Europe and parts of North Africa and Southeast Asia. It was the largest and most enduring of the great Islamic empires.
  • Period: 1420 to 1580

    Finding our way to Asia

    Portuguese captains searched farther and farther up the western coastline of Africa in search of a route to Asia. Mathematicians and astronomers were enlisted to try to figure out the way.
  • Period: 1450 to

    gunpowder empire

    These terms refer to Southwest Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia, which relied on firearms for conquest and domination. In addition to these, they also included the three Muslim empires of Russia, the Ottoman Empire, the Safavid dynasty, and the Mughal Empire. Although gunpowder empire societies tended to be militaristic, they left a great artistic and architectural legacy created to reflect the legitimacy of their rulers.
  • Period: 1451 to 1481

    mehmed 2

    In 1453, he captured Constantinople and destroyed the Byzantine Empire. It extended its territory to the entire Balkan Peninsula and established its rule as an "empire".
  • 1487

    Dias de Novais

    Novais proved that ships could go around Africa and reach East Asia. Also leaving Portugal, his expedition succeeded in finding the southern tip of Africa in 1488.
  • 1493

    Creation of a Boundary Line

    The Pope created a boundary line, an imaginary line down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean from the North Pole to the South Pole.
    Spain would control all lands west of the boundary line, and Portugal would control all lands east of it. The problem, the line is so far east that Spain could take over trade in Asia. → (Treaty of Tordesillas) Making the boundary line west.
  • 1497

    vasco da gama

    vasco da gama came to india from portugal. Calicut on India's east-west coastline in 10 months.
    Hindus and At a trading center they stopped at, they found Muslims trading in fine silks, porcelain, and spices.
  • 1516

    Canary Islands to West Indies  Spain Boat 

    They brought bananas to Mexico. Banana plantations replaced thousands of hectares of rainforest, and working conditions on the plantations were often those of debt slaves. The Aedes aegypti, the African mosquito that carried yellow fever, was a nuisance.
  • 1545

    mexico Cocoliztli epidemic

    High fever, hemorrhaging, and death within a few days. The disease spread quickly, killing 7 to 18 million people, or about 80 to 90% of the indigenous population, in just a few years. This mass mortality had a profound impact on the social, economic, and political structure of the region and led to the collapse of many indigenous communities.
  • Period: 1547 to

    Ivan 4

    He attempted to expand Russia's borders eastward, but this expansion led to an increasing reliance on the use of gunpowder.
  • Period: 1576 to 1578

    The second wave of the Cocoliztli epidemic

    The disease spread rapidly, killing millions and leaving entire towns and villages empty. The high death toll had a profound impact on the region, greatly reducing the indigenous population and disrupting trade and commerce.
  • Tomas Hobbes., John Locke

    Though about natural law and government initiatives.
  • Galileo Galilei

    He builds a telescope and he is sure about the relationship between the sun and the earth.
    He was convinced that the theory that the earth revolves around the sun is correct.
  • The Scots invaded England

    King Chearles1 had no chance but to ask for money support from Parliament which had ignored him from 11 years.
  • Isac Newton

    He described the work of Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler.
    He proved that an ordered universe should be described using precise mathematical formulas.
    These had a profound impact on scientific thought
  • Period: to

    English civil war

    A political dispute between parliamentarians and supporters of the king.
    The three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Irelan wanted to rule.
    The king was defeated, allowing them to decide who would rule the country for themselves.
  • Period: to

    empire kanji

    presided over a period of stability and expansion in the Qing Dynasty of China.
    It sent troops to Taiwan, Mongolia, and Central Asia and incorporated these regions into its empire.
  • John Locke, second treatise civil government

    He offered his thoughts on the state of government. Government is only there to bring joy to the people, and if they do something wrong, they should be allowed to resist.
  • examining religion

    a new religion philosophy called theism spread throughout Europe and the United States.
    Declaration condemning organized religion and exploiting the ignorance and superstition of the respective people.
  • growing textile industries

    people in England and other countries began to buy cool, brightly colored cotton fabrics.
    Domestic production alone can no longer meet demand.
  • Mechanization and the Industrial Revolution

    Mechanization set the stage for the Industrial Revolution, which facilitated the transition from a society focused on agriculture and handicrafts to a socioeconomic system focused primarily on the manufacture of goods by machines.
  • Voltaire, Letter Concerning the English Nation

    Multiple religions make for peace. He also believes that everyone is equal.
  • James Watt

    Factories could now run continuously on steam power.
     industrial developments
  • Adam Smith, The Wealth of nations

    labor is the source of value and wealth can be increased by increasing the efficiency of production of labor.
    The idea is that even if each individual pursues his or her own private interests, the "invisible hand" of God will work to create harmony and lead to the realization of the happiness of society as a whole.
  • Period: to

    france revolution

    ・Fall of the French absolute   monarchy
    ・Abolition of the class system
    ・Abolition of feudalism
    ・Adoption of the Declaration of  Human Rights
  • Period: to

    Haitian revolution

    The most successful revolution of the African slave uprisings in the Western Hemisphere.
    A free black republic, Haiti, was founded.
  • Mary Wollstonecraft, A vindication of the Rights of Women

    they believe that women should have the same access to education in creating an environment where men can live as equally as possible in society. gender equality-education
  • Period: to


    Fearing the influence of the French Revolution, he adopted a thoroughly repressive politics and strictly forbade exchanges with other countries. In his later years, he insulated himself from the British and tried to forge an alliance with France, which led to dissatisfaction among the nobility, and he was assassinated.
  • pau1 style of government

    He issued a decree to the nobles and lords restricting the labor of serfs owned by them and forbidding them to work more than three days week
  • Combination Acts

    As collective bargaining and early workers' unions grew with the onset of the Industrial Revolution, the government at the time of the Napoleonic Wars began cracking down on what it saw as dangerous popular unrest In 1799, the Combination Acts were passed, banning trade unions and collective bargaining by British workers Until 1824, trade unions were often severely suppressed, but were already widespread in some cities.
  • Period: to


    A movement, ideology, or policy in which one nation or ethnic group attempts to create a powerful nation by invading, dominating, or oppressing other nations or ethnic groups politically, economically, or militarily in order to expand its own interests, territory, or power.
    These encouraged European nations to notice empires in order to compete for power.
    The Industrial Revolution led countries to seek new lands.
  • Robert Fulton

    He designed the first practical steam ship.
    it laid the foundation for the world economy and opened up new forms of investment.
  • Robert Fulton

    Robert Fulton began operation of the first successful commercial steamboats.
    These made manufacturing and trade more efficient.
  • Matthew Murray

    Matthew Murray, an English industrialist, opened the world’s first successful steam locomotive line.
    However, because of their heavy weight and poor road conditions, steam locomotives were a failure, and steam locomotives were placed in factories, on waterways, and on railroads. Nevertheless, these developments brought about significant changes in the Industrial Revolution
  • New Netherland - Patroon System

    It abolished all vestiges of rent, quarter sales, and feudal obligations, and prohibited the leasing of agricultural land for more than 12 years.
  • Period: to

    General Pennequin

    He revisited the yellow army plan he had presented in 1912 and used the plan as a pretext to secure more labor. He called for rapid decolonization, recognizing the evolution of Vietnamese society and the emergence of a modern-oriented bourgeoisie, which had been shaken by colonization since 1911. He recommended the creation of a national army of domestic officers as the first modern organization for colonized countries and a potential motor for independence and nation-state building.
  • Marx and Engle wrote the Manifes of the communist party

    Designed primary as a propaganda piece, the Manifesto outlined modern socialism. Marx believed that laws goverened both scientfic and historical events.
  • Karl Marx,The Communist Manifesto

    Marx argued that all history is the history of class struggle and that the working class would inevitably triumph over the capital class and gain control of the means of production, obliterating all classes forever.
  • Period: to

    Tunisia Neocolonialism

    One of the primary ways in which neocolonialism has manifested itself in Tunisia is through its reliance on foreign aid and investment. France and other Western countries have provided aid to Tunisia for decades, but this aid has often been conditioned to prioritize the interests of foreign governments and corporations over the needs of the local population.
  • Period: to

    Africa Severe Drought

    Severe droughts in Africa led to epidemics of smallpox, cholera, and other diseases. Numerous deaths occurred.
    The following year, however, the population began to grow again
  • Alexander2, emancipation

    he decreed the emancipation , or freeing of the serfs. although the serfs attained legal freedom, they received no land individually. they communities, called miss, were granted varying amounts of the land-lords' holdings, for which they had to undertake a 50-year mortgage.
  • Period: to

    kingdom of Belgium

    They worked to expand his colonial rule in Africa and owned a private territory, the Congo Free State, in the Congo region.
  • Period: to

    Berlin congress

    Leopold II's entry into the Congo brought him into conflict with the interests of Britain, France, and other countries that had already been working on the partition of Africa, and the Congo problem became an international dispute. The German Chancellor Bismarck mediated, and the Berlin Conference of 1884-85 was held. At this conference, Leopold II recognized the possession of the Congo, and on April 3, 1885, he announced the "Free State of the Congo.
  • Period: to

    The Soviet Union and Mao Zedong

    In foreign policy, a rift developed between the Soviet Union and Mao's radical Chinese regime. The Sino-Soviet split began when Mao took issue with Khrushchev's conciliatory policies toward the West, but it also reflected longstanding historical tensions between Russia and China. The full-scale split occurred in 1964, when Mao denounced Khrushchev as a capitalist counterrevolutionary.
  • Nicholas2

    after Alexander 3 death in 1894, many Russian were disappointed when his son Nicholas2 stated he would also rule as an autocrat. The new czar, however liked the strong will to make absolutely-lute rule effective.
  • Period: to

    Boxer Rebellion

    They gradually grew into a large group, attacking foreigners and Christian missionaries in the Shandong region, and finally gathered in Beijing in 1900 and rose up in an uprising.
  • Edmund Morrell

    Edmund Morrell founded a newspaper.
    His experience in the African trade made him aware of the unnaturalness of the Congo trade, and he wanted to denounce it.
  • Period: to

    49,000 Vietnamese hired as laborers

    Forty-nine thousand Vietnamese were hired as laborers under military authority. Although many women took over, labor was in short supply at the munitions factories, and these Vietnamese peasants were assigned to production sites in southern and southwestern France, including the Tarbes Arsenal and the Bergerac gunpowder factory.
  • Period: to

    Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini was an Italian political leader who became the fascist dictator of Italy from 1925 to 1945
    After working for the Italian Socialist Party, he independently developed a new political ideology, fascism, and established a one-party dictatorship by the National Fascist Party.
  • Period: to

    Japan fascism

    In Japan, the two-party system of the Seiyukai and the Minseito that had become customary during the Taisho era (1912-1926) was weakened. Socialism and communism rapidly spread and gradually became the mainstream way of thinking. The military also sought to expand its own rights by appropriating the Emperor's right to command and control as stated in the Constitution of the Empire of Japan.
  • Period: to

    Germany fascism

    Germany, in particular, had been hit with huge reparations from the victorious countries of World War I, and the domestic economy was at its worst. Many people were in despair, suffering from poverty and heavy taxes.
    In an attempt to break out of this situation, Adolf Hitler, who was unknown at the time, suddenly came forward as a politician. He used his powerful oratory to voice the discontent of the common people, inspiring their shattered pride and expanding his support.
  • Hitler's African Victims

    In the massacre of black French soldiers by the Germans, the Germans treated them as curiosities." According to eyewitnesses and remaining photographs, some German soldiers and guards were proud to be photographed with black prisoners of war."
  • Period: to

    Soviet Union Centralized state

    Glasnost and perestroika affected Gorbachev's relations with the Soviet satellite states and Soviet republics; until 1989, the Communist Party indirectly controlled all levels of government. A highly centralized state, the USSR was divided into 15 Soviet republics, but with little real power. These republics answered to the government of the Soviet Union
  • colonie-Belge Congo

    Neocolonialism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is manifested in the exploitation of the country's natural resources.
    The Belgian government has been criticized for its support of former President Joseph Kabila, who was accused of widespread human rights violations during his tenure. Some analysts believe that Belgium's support for Kabila was intended to maintain access to the DRC's natural resources.
  • Columbus hipsniola

    He made a second trip to the island of Hispaniola, with 1,200 people and a load of seeds, plants, livestock, birds, dogs, rats, and weeds.1 Seven vessels were transported. And he created an opportunity to teach them a new way of life.
  • the nation of Korea

    the nation of Korea, which had been occupied by Japan during World War II and had been a Japanese colony for many years before that, was divided in half at the thirty-eighth parallel of latitude
    Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union agreed to rule the Korean peninsula jointly with China for five years, after which the peninsula would be reunified and made independent.
  • North Korea invades South Korea

    North Korea's Korean People's Army invaded South Korea and was welcomed with open arms. South Korean forces were unable to stop their advance, and two days later they fell on the South Korean capital, Seoul.
    South Korea was not considered a country of vital importance to U.S. security.
  • Taiwan vs China

    Taiwan began shelling Kinmen Island, Matsu Island, and Da Chen Island off the coast of China, which it claimed as Kuomintang territory, in what was called the First Taiwan Strait Crisis. The U.S. did not want to engage in war with China, but the attacks on these islands led to the signing of a mutual defense treaty with Taiwan, assuring that the U.S. would support Taiwan in the event of war with China.
  • Berlin Wall

    The communist regime in East Germany built a barbed wire and concrete wall to separate West Berlin, allied with capitalism and the United States, from socialist Eastern Europe. Before the wall closed, East Germans dissatisfied with communism moved in large numbers to the West in search of employment opportunities. Those who attempted to flee East Berlin were shot dead on the spot.
  • the Berlin Wall

    Citizens of Berlin woke up to find the border between the two halves of the city closed. East German soldiers and police had torn up the pavement around the West Berlin enclave and set up a barbed wire fence. Faced with the flight of its people, especially young and energetic adults, the communist regime decided to keep them in the country by force!
  • banana republic

    The term has its origins in the development of banana plantations by American corporations and their exploitation of land and workers in Central and South America .
  • Period: to

    Augusto Pinochet;Chile 180 degrees opposite politics

    His politics were 180 degrees different than before.
    His values are profit-driven and his dictatorship has sold out the country. His approach was not a good one, and it was harsh, killing anyone who disagreed with his ideas.
  • Chile Coup d'état

    General Pinochet overthrew the Angende socialist government in a coup. The U.S. supported him in this background. Also, his politics would have been a military dictatorship and very harsh. Also, they say this coup was very big and like an earthquake!
  • the Final Collapse of the Soviet Union

    The fall of the Berlin Wall was a symbolic event that marked a shift in power in the Soviet Union and the confidence of the people to assert themselves: in the early 1990s, Gorbachev legalized the formation of other political parties and removed articles of the Soviet Constitution that had guaranteed the dominance of the Communist Party.
  • Global Inequality Decrease

    Overall, since the 1990s, global inequality has declined for the first time since the 1820s. This trend is supported by the fact that income inequality between countries has mostly decreased. However, income inequality within countries has increased.
  • Growing global disparities

    by the Time the countries of Asia and Africa had gained independence from the colonial empire, they had returned to their homelands. colonialism continues to oppress developing countries and ethnic to their minorities around the world