Cia world map

Today's Political Map

  • 190

    Civil Wars and Genocide

    Civil Wars and Genocide
    Cultural boundaries and political boundaries did not match in Africa, resulting in many civil wars and genocides, specifically noting the Rwandan genocide because of its extreme brutality.
  • Early Colonialism

    Early Colonialism
    Motivated by God, gold, and glory, Spain and Portugal, and then Britain and France, seized "uncivilized land" and dispersed the idengenous people
  • Wars Among Empires

    Wars Among Empires
    Fighting among empires, such as the Seven Year's War and the American Revolution resulted in a changing map, giving Britain control of Canada, U.S. independence, and independence in certain Latin American countries.
  • Later Colonialism

    Later Colonialism
    Focused on colonization in Asia and Africa, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Germany laid out claims to Africa at the Berlin Conference
  • Decolonization

    Colonies gained political independence but economically were still dominated (neocolonialism). The United Nations was also created.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    The Cold War was a period of diplomatic, political, and military rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, setting off several proxy wars and a battle for allies.
  • Collapse of Communism

    Collapse of Communism
    Germany became unites and the USSR collapsed into 15 independent countries
  • Post-Communist Boundaries

    Post-Communist Boundaries
    Divisions occurred in Czechoslovakia ("velvet divorce"), and Yugoslavia to name two.