
Timeline of Jim Crow (Gibson)

  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was a law passed in order to free all of the slaves in the states that still had slaves.
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    Freedmen's Bureau

    This was put in place to help black and white slaves from slavery to a life allowing freedom
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    Klu Klux Klan

    A group that was started as a social group and later turned into the terrorist group we know today.
  • Fourteenth Amendment to the United States

    Fourteenth Amendment to the United States
    The fourteenth amendment was passed so that all people would have equal rights. Also the southern states stronly protested this amendment but were forced to agree in order to gain representation in congress.
  • Civil RIghts Act of 1875

    Civil RIghts Act of 1875
    The Civil Rights Act of 1875 guaranteed that African American were provided with equal treatment in public places a dn were aloud to participate in jury duty.
  • Presidential Election of 1876

    Presidential Election of 1876
    Rutherford B. Hayes became the new president.
  • Tuskegee

    Tuskegee University was founded by many different African Americans. This college was founded for the sole purpose that African Americans would be aloud to gain a higher education.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875 Overturned

    Civil Rights Act of 1875 Overturned
    The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was overturned du to the fact that it was believed to be uncostitutional.
  • Atlanta Compromise Speech

    Atlanta Compromise Speech
    This speech was a precurser to the Atlanta compromise. Booker T. Washington delivered this speech in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Plessy V. Verguson

    Plessy V. Verguson
    on June 7, 1892 an African American man was put in jail for sitting in th ewhite car on a train. He felt that this was unconstitutional, but the supreme court disagreed with him.
  • NAACP Founded

    NAACP Founded
    The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) was founded so that all rights were provided that were guaranteed in the 13,14 and15 amendment.
  • D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation

    D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation
    President Woodrow Wilson attended a film that made the Klu Klux Klan seem like they were some group of noble people trying to fight off the so horrific African Americans when in reality the Klan were the ones that were doing all the terrorizing.
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    World War I

    A war where blacks and whites fought side by side with French soldiers just like comrads.
  • Men Are Denied the Right to an Appeal

    Men Are Denied the Right to an Appeal
    Thirteen men are imprisoned and without being told their snetences or the date of their execution until days befor they where hung. These men were denied the right to an appeal to the president.
  • Moore V. Dempsey

    Moore V. Dempsey
    This was a case in which the defendent's mob-dominated trials did not give them due process which is gauranteed by the fourteenth amendment.
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    The Great Depression

    Stock Market crashed. Jobs were lost and the value of the dollar plummeted.
  • Scottsboro Boys

    Scottsboro Boys
    Nine black teens were riding on a train and some white boys accused the blacks of beating them and two white grils accused the boys of rape. Later at a retrial the women confessed that that reape story was a fabrication, but the black boys were still found guilty and were again found guilty for four of the nine defendants.
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    Wold War II

    A war including 43 or more countries fighting a tyrant named Adolf Hitler who wanted "the perfect race". Hitler killed many people and eventually killed himself with his lover to avoid capture.
  • Morgan V. Virginia

    Morgan V. Virginia
    Irene Morgan was arrested for not giving up a seat on a bus which was a state law. Morgan was jailed but later in 1946 she was taken to supreme court and the law was ruled as unconstitutional.
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    Jackie Robinson becomes the first African American in the Major Leagues.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    The Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public schools violated the fourteenth amendment. The amendment states that no one can be denied protection of the laws.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    An estimated quarter of a million people, one fourth of whome were white, marched from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial, in what was a protest and a communal celebration.