Matthew perry

Timeline of Imperialism

By Bellaj1
  • Beginning of the Opium Wars

    Beginning of the Opium Wars
    China was self efficient and needed nothing from any other countries... until opium was offered by the British. This drug began its widespread impact throughout China, spreading rapidly.
  • Opening Trade in Japan

    Opening Trade in Japan
    Mattew Perry, commodore of the United States, sails four ships into a harbor of Japan, forcing them to open trade with Americans once more. Originally, Japan had a rule that no one was to leave or come into Japan, and they were self efficient.
  • Beginning the Exploration of the Nile

    Beginning the Exploration of the Nile
    Two main explorers, David Livingstone and Henry Stanley set out to discover what was undiscovered at that time. The Nile river was one of the few blank spots on the map that was yet to be discovered.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    Natives of India decided to strike back against Brtisih forces within the borders of India. After discovering that pork was used within weapons the soldiers had been using, rage completely took over all India as it was against their cultures and beliefs. This was also done with the help of Mangal Pandey.
  • Period: to

    Building of the Suez Canal

    A canal built through Africa that made travel time to India twice as fast! This greatly increased the value of India- this canal was built by the French.
  • Suez Canal Completed

    Suez Canal Completed
    The Suez Canal is completed by the French, and offers a simple and easy route to India. This new canal will divide the time it originally took to sail to India IN HALF!
  • Conference of Berlin Begins

    Conference of Berlin Begins
    The Conference of Berlin begins, as lands in Africa are beginning to get separated between the Europeans. Although the Monroe Doctrine was already in place, they used trade as an excuse to further divide the continent.
  • Period: to

    Conference of Berlin

    Here, Leopold II is given his "own land" including central Africa, the Congos, where he would later torture Africans for their resources.
  • Beginnings in the Congos

    Beginnings in the Congos
    Leopold II gets his hands on the Congos, however he ignores the Conference of Berlin terms, as he begins tortuing Africans in searach for more resources. He originally had this colony for the better good of Belgium, but took it as his own later on.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Boxer's, Chinese fighters, wished to rid China of the "foreign devils", so rebellions began. These people believed they had mythical powers when they fought...
  • The Panama Canal is Built

    The Panama Canal is Built
    President Roosevelt picks up old French project of building this canal, as it would later serve its purpose on cheaper global trading from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
  • The Scramble for Africa

    The Scramble for Africa
    The scramble for Africa began when Europeans began to see the value in African resources, as many industrial revolutions were beginning at the time. Almost ALL of Africa was split upon the Europeans, opening up chances for wealth and power for all of them.