Time line

  • May 22, 1455

    The First Battle of St Albans

    The First Battle of St Albans
    The First Battle of St Albans was the start of Civil war in England called the Wars of the Roses.
  • Jul 10, 1460

    Battle of Northampton

    Battle of Northampton
    The yorkist army under Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick captured King Henry.
  • Dec 30, 1460

    The Battle of Wakefield

    The Battle of Wakefield
    Richard took a strong position at Sandal castle and far out numbered the Lancastrian army. Unbelievably Richard left Sandal castle and was defeated by the Lancastrian army. Richard was killed in the battle. His son, Edward of York, now pressed his claim to the throne of England
  • Mar 4, 1461

    Edward of York was declared

    Edward of York was declared
    Edward of York was declared King Edward IV in London
  • Oct 3, 1470

    Readeption of Henry VI

    Readeption of Henry VI
    Henry VI was briefly restored to the thorne of england