The War of 1812

  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • President Madison takes office

    President Madison takes office
    James Madison had high tension again Britain when he took office. They had alot of grievences with Britain and the U.S. was mad at britain for arming Native Americans in the northwest. Americans also expressed their annoyance to the British for them to keep impressing the American sailors. James Madison knew of all these things but still wanted to be the President to help the country. James Madison later on started an Embargo Act on the British.
  • War Hawks take power

    War Hawks take power
    War Hawks always wanted war and were eager to start a war with whomever they wanted or needed to. Opposition to the war going on in New England the war was the strongest. Alot of New Englanders feared that if they started war with Britain would harm the trade going on in America. The War Hawks wanted war but didn't want to ruin the chance of any trade coming in or out of America.
  • Relations with Great Britain Worsen

    Relations with Great Britain Worsen
    The relations got worse with Britian in the Spring of 1812. British forces were threatening to keep impressing sailors. The Native Americans also in the Northwest were starting to attack the frontier villagers and settlements. Finally, In June, they declared war against Britain for all they did wrong. The war was not a good time though for the British. They were already in a war with another country.
  • Congress declares War on Britain

    Congress declares War on Britain
    Congress had alot of different grievences with Britain. They were still impressing sailors. American's were sure they win though. They soon becoming less confident about that. The Americans although they did not have alot of soldiers they had a good feeling that they were going to win the war of 1812.
  • America is not ready for war

    America is not ready for war
    America was not ready for war, they only have sixteen warships ready for battle. They have only seve hundred people or less than that. Since last precidency Jefferson had made cuts in the army they only had a small amount of people tohelp fight against Great Britain. They needed more help so they needed to find it quick before Britain started attacking.
  • Britain Blockades American Ports

    Britain Blockades American Ports
    A blockade is when they shut down a port or road to prevent people or supplies from coming in or out. The blockade was on the American coast from trade coming in or out. Soon after two years (1814) British troops had more than 135 warships boardering the coastline. All American Trade lines had stopped and Britain had shut them off by the end of the war.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    War Hawks were demanding Invaiding Canada. Britain was officialy in a war with America but over half the forces were with Canada fighting against them. The British weren't going to stop attacking America though. They sent half of the troops over to Canada and half over to America. The war didn't stop until late 1815.
  • USS Constitution scores a victory

    USS Constitution scores a victory
    They defeated the British Warships the Guerriere in a very fierce battle between America and Britain. The battle was taken at sea. The British almost thought as the American ship was made of iron. The British had most of they're ships destroyed and sunk by the Americans due to their imaculate ship they had built, The USS Constitution.
  • Second Battle of Sacketts Harbor

    Second Battle of Sacketts Harbor
    A British force was sent across Lake Ontario to attempt to capture the town in America. The forces had 6 pounder guns. The British also had trouble docking with loss of men but they managed to. The British had stopped at Fort Tompkins to dock. Britain had to dock to try to blockade as with the Blockading before but with fewer help of the troops due to loss of people on the way coming over.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    Nine vessels of the United States defeated and captured 6 of the British vessels. That ensured that the American Fotrces had control over the Lake for the rest of the battle. Which soon let them win the Battle of Thames. The British were abstruct that the Americans had sunk almost all of their ships. They soon rebelled then lost due to loss of the rest of the ships.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    The American forces won the Battle of Thames. The thing that helped them win was them capturing and winning over Lake Erie. When they were in that war they also ended up killing Shawnee chief Tecumseh. They also murdered another Shawnee, a man names Roundhead. He was an important leader like, Tecumseh.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    American's fought with Indian Allies under the control of Colonel Andrew Jackson. American troops against the Red Sticks. (An Indian Tribe.) Over 550 Native Americans called the Red sticks had been killed and wounded by Americans. The Americans won that battle between the Red sticks and Americans.
  • Battle at Fort Oswego

    Battle at Fort Oswego
    During the war Lake Oswego was frozen. Britain had a plan to try to take over Fort Oswego but only captured a 2,400 barrels of supplies from the Americans. Americans only had a few deaths but a lot more wounded and missing too. The British only had few missing and wounded but had a large amount killed and had not survived,
  • Washington D.C. attacked and burned

    Washington D.C. attacked and burned
    The burning of Washington D.C. was done by the British attacking. They set fire to the White House as they did to many other buildings. The British Commander only wanted them to burn public places. They had a rule against burning other important buildings. The Commander though still burnt down the buildings and didn't care if it crushed America and other people who lived in America.
  • Battle of Plattsburg

    Battle of Plattsburg
    This Battle was also known as the Battle at Lake Champlain. That ended the envasion of the Northern States. The British Commander commanded the British Troops to try to take over a Lakeside town. The town is also known as Plattsburg. Britain failed at trying to take over Plattsburg but they wouldn't give up.
  • Attack on Baltimore and the Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    Attack on Baltimore and the Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
    The British had come in-counter with a small troop of American soldiers. Britians troop leader had used guns to kill them. They beginned to write the Star Spangled Banner after so many important buildings had been burnt down. It was written by Francis Scott Key. He was an American in the war helping to fight against Britain.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Hartford Convention was held with Great Britain and America. They discussed the concern of The war of 1812. The talked about the peace treaties and how they got ratified. The British would no longer attack and neither would The Americans. The Convention also told all the policies and talked about peace and civilness with Britain and America.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The treaty was signed by December 24th1812. The treaty restored the relationships between Britain and America. It took weeks for the Treaty to reach America from Great Britain. The Countries finally got the Treaty signed and ratified from Congress and Great Britain. The Treaty helped stop all the battles and fights with America and Great Britian.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    This battle was the final major battle of the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson and his army defeated British Troops. The land they were on was part of the Lousisiana Purchase, which the United Sates owned. The land they owned was attacked by Britain for the hope that they would take over the peice of the land. The British tryed to take over many different places like Plattsburg too.