President Madsion Tackes office
Presadent madison did not want war. he thuoght we would lose. -
WarHawk tackes power
The War Hawks had a strong sense of nationalsm. War Hawks
were fighting brition -
Relations with Great Britain Worsen
the relations with britain got harsh. they wre not kind. -
Congress Decares War on Brtiain
The house of reprosentative voted 79 to49 in power of war. -
America is Not Ready for War
It was When America's millitary was dead. -
Britain Blockades Amarican Ports
Britans navy had 135 warships blockadeing american ports. -
Invastion of Canada
Even before the war began,war,hawk's were demainding invation of canada. They expeced canadainsto welcome the chactorrow off british rule. American troops uder genrale william hullinvated canada from detroit. -
USS Constitution scores a victory
The USS Constitution fuoght the british ship Msgurriere Kight -
Battle of Thames
It was a battle between the indeans and the british. -
Battle of Lake Erie
Olivere Hazerd perry said his tiny fleetagains the british. during the battle of lake erie, The British batterd perrys own ship and left it helpless. -
Horshoe Bend
The leader of the war surendered afteir the war the mative american's lost a gone land. -
Washington, D.C Atteck and Burned
It was when the british burned down the white house. -
Attack on baltimore
It was a land and water battle that was brutale. -
Hartford Convetion
Some deligents new of the peace treatys arrivled. With the war over the Hartford connventionen ended. -
Treaty of Ghent
It was signed in the city of ghent. They were both adjusted. nothing was settled.