The Thirty Years War by Nikol and Vanessa

  • Sep 25, 1555

    The Peace of Ausburg

    The Peace of Ausburg
    Source On September 25, 1555 peace between the Lutherans and the Catholics was arranged. Lutherans were given legal standing, however, Anabaptist and Calvinist were not. This inbuilt religious divisiveness crippled Germany's ability to unite as a nation. Overall, the Peace of Ausburg brought stability and tolerance for a certain period of time.
  • Period: to

    King Christian IV of Denmark

    Source King Christian was a Scandinavian king who led two unsuccessful wars against Sweden and brought catastrophe upon his country by leading it into the Thirty Years' War. He promoted trade and shipping
  • Period: to

    Maximilian I of Bavaria

    SourceSource Maximillian was extremely religious and rigidly moral. He put down every movement of opposition to the Church, and exterminated Calvinism and Lutheranism in the territoties he had acquired. As a duke of Bavaria, he established himself as military authority and help Bavaria pay their depts.
  • Period: to

    Philip IV of Spain

    Source: Philip IV of Spain was a king and a military leader of Spain and Portogal during the decline of Spain as a great world power in the 1600s.He is remembered for his failed struggle to revive Spain's prominence during the Thirty Years War and for his patronage of the arts. He had a strong faith in God and later on believed that he had failed as a monarch resulting in falling into depression.
  • Period: to

    King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden

    SourceSource King Gustavus Adolphus was the king of Sweden during the The Thirty Year's Wars. He led the swedish army, laid the foundations of the modern Swedish state and made it a major European power. He was considered as one of the greatest military leaders due to his military and leader skills he showed in battles.
  • Period: to

    The Bohemian Period

    Source In 1617 the Bohemian Diet elected Ferdinand for king of Bohemia. He then became Holy Emperor two years later. He was a supporter of the Catholic cause. His election alarmed Bohemian Calvinist, who feared the loss of their religious rights. So in 1618 the Calvinists rebelled by throwing two Catholic member from a window. That is known as the Defenestration of Prague. The Bohemian Period ended with the Catholic's victory.
  • Defenestration of Prague

    Defenestration of Prague
    The Defenestration of Prague is considered to be the incident of Bohemian resistance to Habsburg authority that later proceded the beginning of the Thirty Years' War. In 1617 the Roman Catholica officials in Bohemia closed the Protestant chapels that were being constructed by citizens, violating the religious libery. The Defenestration was the beginning of the Bohemian revold against the Habsburgs
  • Period: to

    Ferdinand of Styria

    SourceSource Ferdinand of Styria ruthlessly persecuted the Protestants who lived on the territory of Styria. He was a benevolent ruler and cared for the unfortunate citizens. During the Thirty Years' War he was in a position of great strength for the Edict of Restitution. However, Regensberg weakened his position.
  • Battle of White Mountain

    Battle of White Mountain
    The Battle of White Mountain was one of the early battles in the Thirty Years' War. The battle was fought over the religious differences between the Catholic Church and the Protestant Union. The battle marked the first vital victory of the Habsburgs over the Protestant Union. This vital victory enables the Habsburgs to establish an authoritarian government. This batlle put an end to the Bohemian period as well.
  • Period: to

    Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII

    Richelieu is considered to be one of the greatest politicians in French history.His monarchy saw an expansion of absolute monarchical power. He enjoyed leading his soldiers into a battle, and closely sticked to religion.
  • Period: to

    The Danish Period

    Source The Danish Period started after the Bohemia was defeated. Christian IV of Denmark opposed Ferdinands forces at Saxony. Protestant contries were going to face real danger. Ferdinand received help from Wallenstein and defeated the Danish king. Then Christian IV signed the Treaty of Lubeck.
  • Treaty of Lubeck

    Treaty of Lubeck
    Source Wallenstein made a final peace with Christian at Lubeck. Christin forfeited only the lands and titles held by his dynasty within the Empire. The treaty marked the turning point for Denmark and their complete defeat.
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    The Swedish Period

  • Battle of Lutzen

    Battle of Lutzen
    Source:SourceThe battle of Lutzen was a battle which occured during the Thirty Years' Wars where Gustavus II Adolphus lost his life. It was fought between the Swedes and the forces of the Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II. The victor of the war were the Protestants. The importance of that war was that with the winning of the Protestants , they ended the Catholic threat to Saxony.
  • Period: to

    The French Period

  • The Treaty of Prague

    The Treaty of Prague
    Source:The treaty was signed in May 1635 and it served for enabling German princess to unite behind the Holy Roman Emperor. This restored the stability during Ferdinand reign to central Europe. It also confirmed the major provisions of the Perliminary Treaty of Nikolsburg. This treaty brought to an end of the civil war aspect of The Thirty Years' Wars.
  • The Peace of Westphalia

    The Peace of Westphalia
    Source:Source: This peace of Westphalia was signed on October 24th in the year of 1648 and it marks the end of The Thirty Years' Wars as well as the end of the Holy Roman Empire. It was a series of peace treaties.Those threaties gave the Swiss independence of Austria and Netherlands of Spain. Moreover Sweden gained territory and payment in cash
  • Treaty of the Pyrenees

    Treaty of the Pyrenees
    Source The treaty of the Pyrenees was the reason for the end of a 24 year warfare between France and Spain. It was used to mark the France hegemony in Europe.