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The Thirty Years War by Mia and Iva

By mia&iva
  • Sep 25, 1555

    The Piece of Augsburg

    The Piece of Augsburg
    Source The Peace of Augsburg is when the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire proves legally and permanently the existence of Lutheranism and Catholicism in Germany.
  • Period: Jul 9, 1578 to

    Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia

    Elected by the Bohemian Diet, Ferdinand of Styria later on became the second emperor. He was a significant supporter of the Catholic church. As a Catholcic,he actively persecuted Protestants, and had an agressive policy of hard Catholicism and centralisation.Anyone who disobeyed him was greatly punished.His army was greatly feared and his military position was a reflection of his place in the war
  • Period: to

    King Christian IV of Denmark

    Frederick II's son-Christian IV's actions were incredibally harmful to Denamrk during the Thirty Yrs War.He lead in 2 unseccessful wars against Sweden;was an active supporter of shipping,trading, architecture.It is said that the reason he didn't manage to control situations was that he concentrated on the details, the little problems, and by that forgot for the larger disasters that were breaking him and his country apart.
  • Period: to

    Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII

    The strategy that Louis used to build up France to become a major European power is that he didn't work alone, but cooperated with other people from the authorities, such as his chief minister. He had problems with his mental health which sometimes prevented him from performing well on the battlefield, or making clear decisions of the control over hthe state.
  • Period: to

    King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden

    Gustavus Adolphus was the king to mark the beginning of the modern Swedish state and who developed it as a main European power. He became king at the early age of 17, but was however very intelligent and enthusiastic, because he had been tutored. He was very liked by the common people, because he supported their best interests- he is best remembered by that support of people from all classes,.
  • Period: to

    The Bohemian Period

    Bohenianism began from the revaults in Prague in 1618, when the Bohemian throne that belonged to Ferdinand was offered to Frederick V. The Period lasted for two years, ending in the defeat of the Bohemians by Maximilian I of Bavaria. Bohemianism faded ocompletely when Frederick lost his control over Bohemia. additional source:
  • Defenestration of Prague

    Defenestration of Prague
    Source 1Source Resulting in the beginning of the Thirty Years' War, the unsuccessful resistance of Bohemian to the power of Habsburg .
    The Habsburgs were one of the main European dynasties that occured in 15th century and was functuonal until 20th.
  • Battle of White Mountain

    Battle of White Mountain
    Source 1 Marking the initial major win of the Roman Catholic Habsburg over the Protestant Union, it was the battle that occured close to Prague in Bohemia. Thie event gav opportunity for the Habsburg dynasty to stop the constituonal rule in Bohemia and to be able to establish an authoritarian government (it lasted for three centuries)
  • Period: to

    Philip IV of Spain

    Philip worked with his chief minister, with whom he planned the continuation of hostilities against the Dutch and the recovery of the Spanish hegemony. He failed to restore Spain's prominence , but remained well known as a patron of arts. His life ended in grief, when he started believeing that God was judging his every move, and that he had failed as a monarch.
  • Period: to

    Maximilian I of Bavaria

    Maximilain improved the law code, gathered a very strong army, gained strict control over land and the church. He created the Catholic League- a military aliance of Germany's Catholic powers, and actively fought against protestants. His army stood up against Bohemians and their chaotic rebellions.
  • Period: to

    The Danish Period

    The Danish period is defined by the argument that King Christian IV´s support for the Protestants created.Christian was the leader of Denmark who followed Lutheran beliefs and was also the duke of Holstein and a prince of the Holy Roman Empire. The period lasted for four years.
  • Treaty of Lubeck

    Treaty of Lubeck
    Source 1
    The Danish king Christian IV and the imperial general A. Wallenstein sent people to Lubeck to sign a treaty in order to end the Danish period from the Thirty Years' War. It esentially removed Denmark from the war.
  • Period: to

    The Swedish Period

    Many Catholic victories occured and the worried Protestants chose a new leader,Gustavus Adolphu,who was Swedish,because of whom many Swedes moved to Germany.An alliance b/w France and Sweden followed,and the battle agaist the Hapsburgs began.The big European war the Thirty Years War turned into started from small regional German problems.The Swedish Period-which lasted 5yrs-ended after the Swedes were defeated in Germany
  • Battle of Lutzen

    Battle of Lutzen
    Source 2Source 1Source 1:
    Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden lost his life because of Harvatian soldiers on the field near Lutzen. In the end, Sweden has won but there were ordeal consequences - a death king and around 4500 victims. Heir to the throne, Gustavus' daughter Christina was in charge until they put Aksel Oksenstierna (regency) to rule over Sweden.
  • Period: to

    The French Oeriod

    The French broke the Treaty of Prague by getting involved in the war.The King of France wanted to weaken Hapsburgs and rule over Alsace(area of the Roman Empire).France had victories against Spain and applied its force on Germany.Many events influenced the end of the13yrs long period:death of the Roman emperor-1637,peace negotiation-1641,death of Cardinal Richelieu-1642and French occupation of Bavaria-1646
  • The Peace of Westphalia

    The Peace of Westphalia
    Source 1:Source 1:
    It Ends the Thirty Years' War and gives to the Swiss independence of Austria and the Netherlands independence of Spain. It was beneficial for Sweden, Brandenburg, Bavaria and France because they gain more territory and profit.
  • Treaty of the Pyrenees

    Treaty of the Pyrenees
    Source 1
    It was signed at the Isle of Pheasants in 1659 between France and Spain. Spain gives up to France territories (Luxembourg, Flanders, etc.) and in return France returns part of Catalonia to Spain, Netherlands. In the end, Spain remains the biggest empire in western Europe.
  • The Treaty of Prague

    The Treaty of Prague
    Source 1
    The Treaty of Prague ends the Austro-Prussian War. Austria recognizes the dissolution of the German Union and approves the German ruling. Moreover, North Schleswig was reunited with Denmark.