The significant events between 1870 and 1914

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    Imperialist colonization

    Classical colonization - exploitation and trade
    rapid development on industry
    more production
    Most of the African territories were controlled by European Imperialists, China, India, Japan also involved.
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    Russian-Turkish War

    1875-76 → revolts in Bosnia & Bulgaria (Ottoman provinces)
    Crushed by Turkey
    1877 → Russia attacked Turkey and wins
    Treaty of San Stefano → created large Bulgaria
    1878 →Treaty of Berlin
    Bulgaria dismantled and reincorporated into Turkey
    Serbia and Rumania gained independence
    Austria received Bosnia as protectorate
    1908 → annexation of Bosnia
  • Fashoda Inciden

    Fashoda Inciden
    The Fashoda Incident was the climax of imperial territorial disputes between Britain and France in East Africa, occurring in 1898. A French expedition to Fashoda on the White Nile river sought to gain control of the Upper Nile river basin and thereby exclude Britain from the Sudan. The French party withdrew.
    French realized that in the long run they needed the friendship of Britain in case of a war between France and Germany.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    This was a war launched by the United States in 1898 to seize Spanish colonies in the Americas and control the Caribbean Sea. The United States acquired Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and
    Since then, the United States has become a global hegemony through war.
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    Anglo-Boer Wars

    Few died during combat, though many perished of disease. The war ended when the Boer leadership surrendered and accepted British terms with the Treaty of Vereeniging in May 1902.
    After the Boer War, Britain united the colonies of southern Africa and controlled the corridor leading to the Great Lakes region in the hinterland of Africa.Economically, as the world's largest Rand gold mine was controlled by the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom was able to control the lifeline of the global economy.
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    Russian-Japanese War

    1904 → Japanese naval forces attacked Port Arthur and defeated the Russian navy at Tsushima
    1905, Russian forces were defeated at Mukden
    The war eventually concluded with the Treaty of Portsmouth ( 23 August 1905), mediated by US President Theodore Roosevelt.
    Japan had taken control over Korea and certain Chinese territories.
  • First Moroccan crisis

    First Moroccan crisis
    William II (German emperor) declared that Germany would protect Morocco from the French, he wanted to weaken the French in Africa. Germany was threatened with declaration of war by Britain.
  • Second Moroccan Crisis

    Second Moroccan Crisis
    Britain threatened Germany with war again.
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    Balkan Wars

    Slavic nations and Greece formed an alliance against Turkey. Four Balkan states defeated the Ottoman Empire in the First Balkan War. In the Second Balkan War, Bulgaria fought against all four original combatants of the first war along with facing a surprise attack from Romania from the north.
    The Ottoman Empire lost the bulk of its territory in Europe. The war set the stage for the Balkan crisis of 1914 and thus served as a "prelude to the First World War".