The Russian Revolution

By 16pryan
  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese war

  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Peaceful protesters lead by preists march into the Csar's palace and the soldiers open fire on the crowd resulting in the deaths hundreds
  • Period: to

    revolution of 1905

  • Creation of Duma

    Creation of Duma
    The Duma was a parliament created by Csar Nicholas in his October Manifesto that was designed to have a representation from all major groups in Russia
  • Russia enters ww1

  • Russia becomes totalitarian state

  • March Revolution Begins

    March Revolution Begins
    During the first of the major revolutions, the Duma took control of the previous government and created the Russian Provisional Government.This was intially socialist permitted, but only if the socialists had control over certain branches of militia and other things.
  • Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    Nicholas II abdicates the throne
    During the March revolution in 1917, workers looking for reforms gathered in St. Petersburg to approach the Csar with their requests. He was forced to abdicate the throne and was later moved to a "safer " location where he and the rest of his family wree executed
  • Lenin returns from exile in Germany

    Lenin returns from exile in Germany
    In 1917, Vladmir Lenin was arrested and exiled for nearly a decade before escaping back to Russia. He was exiled for leading many workers to join the concept of Marxism and the Csar saw im as a threat to the government.
  • Kerensky heads the provisional government

    Kerensky heads the provisional government
    In 1917, Alexander Kerensky became the head of the provisional government. Kerensky was a member of the Social Revolutionaries and had previously worked in three different branches of the provisional government before becoming prime minister.
  • Civil War begins

    Civil War begins
    The civil war was fought between two main groups made up of smaller sub-groups. The two sides were the Bolsheviks(Red Army) who wanted communism, and the White Army which was made up of everyone who was not with the Bolsheviks.
  • Lenin takes power

    Lenin takes power
    In 1917, after escaping from exile in Germany, Lenin returned to Russia. He lead a communist(socialist) party to overthrow the provisional government and he the leader of the communists, therefore he became the leader of Russia.
  • Russia pulls out of ww1

  • Assassination of Romanov family

    Assassination of Romanov family
    Czar Nicholas and his family are executed in the basement of a house that they were brought to during the Bolshevik Revolution
  • Trotsky wins civil war

  • stalin comes to power

  • Period: to

    The Great Purge

    The great purge was a span of 5 years during the rule of Joseph Stalin in which anyone who was suspected of trying to undermine communism and the soviet party was persecuted, put in jail, and often times executed.