
Russian Revolt

  • Alexander II Assassination

    Slow pace of the revolution brought unrest to the revolutionaries, causing them to take extreme action by assassinating Alexader II.
  • Alexander III

    Alexander III succeeded his father and took the thrown. Stopping all planned reforms in Russia. Alexander III supported an autocracy which is a government in which he has complete power. Anyone who questioned his authority or worshiped outside of the Russian Orthadox church or spoke another language was considered a threat. Alexander III took many precautions to prevent any revolts against him.
  • Sergey Witte

    Sergey Witte developed a program to encourage Russian economic advancement. This program included the raising of taxes, and the incresing of foreign investments. The advancement included the strengthening of Russian Industries, particularly steel.
  • Nicholas II Czar

    Nicholas II became czar and announced he would continue to govern with utimate power, just as Alexander III did.
  • Trans-Siberian Railway

    Russia became the fourth largest steal producer in the world. Witte encouraged Russia to build the great Trans-Siberian Railway, which was to be the largest in the world. This project was supported by the French and the British. This railway connected the European Russia in the West with Russian ports in the East on the Pacific Ocean
  • Industrialization- Cause Effect

    Witte's advancements helped fuel industrialization in Russia. This however caused a serious gap in classes. People were very upset with the low wages, bad hours, and overall poor quality of living. Strikes even outbroke amongst factory workors and workers building the railway. This lead to the creation of revolutionary groups within Russia.These revolutionary groups then began to compete for power. The group supporting the views of Karl Marx believed that the industrial class workers would o....
  • Industrialization Cause Effect

    ne day overthrow the czar
  • Lenin

    The main leader of the Bolsheviks, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, known by Lenin, fled to Western Europe to avoid arrest by czar authorities. He waited until he could return to Russia, never breaking contact with the Bolsheviks.
  • Marxists

    Russian marxists split into two different groups based on their revolutionary tactics. The Mensheviks wanted to build a broad base of support, while the Bolsheviks wanted to build a small group willing to sacrafice everything for the revolution.
  • Crisis's

    A series of crises in Russia between 1904 and 1917 exposed the weakness of the Russian Czar, creating opportunities for the revolution. The cause was the series of Crisis's and the effect its leading to the revolution.
  • Japan Attack- Cause Effect

    In the late 1800's Russia and Japan, both imperialist powers, signed a series of agreements regarding acess to Korea and Manchuria. Russia chose to violate all of these agreements. As a result, Japan attacked the Russions in 1904 at Port Author Manchuria.
  • Japan Attack Effect

    The Japanese defeated Russia. News of yet another loss led to unreast back in Russia, eventually leading to a revolt.
  • Bloody Sunday

    200,000 Russian workers started a protest outside of czar's Winter Palace, with them was a petition asking for better working conditions, more freedom, and an elected national legislature. Nicholas II was not present, his generals and police cheifs were. Being generals and police cheifs they naturally reacted violently, ordering their soldiers to fire into the crowd; killing 500-1000 innocent Russian Citizens. This became known as Bloody Sunday.
  • Protests

    Bloody Sunday led to numerous strikes and violent protests around the country. In order to stop the violent protest Nicholass II reluctantly agreed to provide more freedom to the citizens. He also created Duma, Russias first parliment.
  • Duma

    Duma was lead by moderates, seeking a constitutional monarchy similar to that of Britian. However, only 10 weeks later, in fear of losing power, the czar eliminated Duma.
  • WWI Cause Effect

    Nicholas II decided to involve Russia in WWI. Within a year of entering WWI, Russia's lack or stability, preperation and power ended up losing them 4 million men. This major loss along with the loss against the Japanese weakened and exposed how weak the Russian military was.
  • Nicholas II HeadQuarters

    Nicholas II moved his headquarters to the war front in an effort to motivate his troops as they were discouraged as a result of recent failures. He left His wife, Alexandra, in control of the government of Russia.
  • Rasputin

    Nicholass II and his wife's son had obtained a life threatening disease. Nicholass II was still at the war front at this time and Rasputin seemed to have healed his son. To show gratitude Alexandra allowed Rasputin to make some important political decisions. However this caused the government to become corrupt as Rasputin obtained powerfull political positions for his friends. He spread corruption through the royal court and in 1916 was murdered by nobles fearing his increasing influence on gove
  • War

    The war continued on and the Russian soldiers became more discouraged as they were losing the war and fuel and food supplies were running out. Soldiers began disobeying orders and lacked the willingness to fight and support Russia.
  • Soviets

    Following the execution of Nicholas II the Duma established a temporary government headed by Alexander Kerensky. He lost the support of his military and citizens as he decided to keep fighting the war. Multiple revolutionary groups began to emerge within Russia, these social revolutionaries formed soviets, which were local councils made up of workers peasants and soldiers. These soviets had large influences on some cities in Russia.
  • Nicholas II Abdicate

    This riot spread countrywide, causing Nicholas II to abdicate the throne. Nicholas II and his family were executed a year later by revolutionaries.
  • Textile Strike

    Women textile workers began to strike city wide. This led to riots as shortages of bread and fuel began to emerge. 200,000 workers swarmed the streets, the gaurds initially followed orders firing into the crowd, however they eventually joined the crowd fighing against the czar.
  • Lenin

    The Germans sent Lenin back to Russia, hoping he would weaken Russia even more, causing them to stop fighting the war. Which would benefit the Germans.
  • Soviets

    Lenin and the Bolsheviks gained control of the soviets, eventually causing them all to unite. With this power Lenin decided to take action. In November 1917 the Red Gaurds stormed the Winter Palace, taking over government offices and arresting leaders of the government. The revolution took a matter of hours. Kernesky was quickly taken out of power.
  • White Army.

    The decision to surrender land was not supported by many in Russia. Opponents of the Bolsheviks formed the White Army.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    For two years a civil war took place in Russia between the Bolsheviks and the White Army. The White Army was supported by many western countries including the US. The Red Army however prevailed, proving their power and ability to hold their position of power. However they faced bigger problems in Russia as the war had brought millions of deaths, and several million more from famine.
  • Reforms

    Lenin made a series of reforms, including an agreement with Germany to stop fighting on the Eastern war front and begin peace talks. Russia and Germany signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, however Russia had to surrender a great deal of land to Germany.
  • Economy

    Lenin turned his attention to the Russian economy that had been absolutely destroyed by the war. He launched the New Economy Policy. A plan similar to capitalism. He allowed small scale capitalism, however he still controlled major businesses. He felt this was the best way to gain approval of the citizens and restore the economy.
  • USSR

    Lenin organized Russia into several self governing republics, all controlled by one strong central government, called the USSR.
  • Period: to

    Stalin Rise

    As general secretary in 1922, Stalin secretly moved his men into strategic positions. He completed this in 1924. By 1928 Stalin was in complete control of the comunist party, he forced Trotsky into exile in 1929. Stalin wanted to create a totalitarianism government.
  • Communist

    After renaming their party to the communist party, they created a constitution based on socialist and democratic principals.
  • Recovery

    In 1928 Russia's farms and factories reached production levels that they had been at before WWI. However Lenin died before this from a series of strokes. This left his position open, leading to a power struggle.
  • Command Economy

    In 1928 Stalin introduced a command economy with a 5 year plan to impliment it to support his totalitarianism government.
  • Farm

    In 1928 Stalin siezed over 25 million private farms, turning them all into collective farms. He believed that new machinery would allow them to be more effective. The peasants were not in favor of this. They protested but Stalin reacted with violence and terror, forcing the peasants to work. Between 5 million and 10 million died during the agricultural revolution. The biggest revolt came from the kulaks, Stalin then chose to eliminate them. The wheat production nearly doubled that year.
  • Period: to

    Command Economy

    Stalin's command economy tactics were very successfull as they increased Russia's industrial production by 25% between 1928 and 1937.
  • Socialist Realism

    Stalin also used art to spread propoganda. He developed an artistic style called socialist realism praising the USSR and its communist values.
  • Censorship

    Stalin also limited what artists were able to produce. He did not allow them to be creative if it in any direct or indirect way went against the USSR and its communist values
  • Religious Persecution

    Stalin tried to replace religious beliefs with beliefs of communism. He insisted that religious beliefs were only superstitions. The police proceded to destroy churches and religious sites.
  • Great Purge

    In 1934 Stalin turned against the Communist Party. To do so he launched the Great Purge. The Great Purge was designed to eliminate anyone threatening his power, thousands were executed for "crimes against the Soviet state".
  • Great Purge

    The Great Purge ended in 1939. Stalin now had complete control of the Russian Government. It is believed that he caused 8-13 million deaths to do so.
  • Indoctrination and Propaganda

    Stalin used indoctrination and Propaganda to spread his message to the people, to in a sense "brainwash" the citizens of Russia so they supported his communism government. The government fed the public biased incomplete messages supporting themselves.