Lenin m 1 2048x

Russian Revolution, Civil War, and Lenin

  • Revolution of 1905 and the October Manifesto

    Revolution of 1905 and the October Manifesto
    This photo was chosen to signify the 1905 Revolution because it illustrates the process of the 1905 revolution. As illustrated, the people no longer tolerated the 'oppression' they were facing, so they used the revolution as a means of crushing the 'tsar' as well as strict religion, and implementing 'freedom.'
  • Beginning of WW I

    Beginning of WW I
    I chose this photo because it represents the cause for the beginning of WW1. It not only demonstrates speculation surrounding it, but gives us a view into the citizen's thoughts during this time. It discusses the assassination as the 'straw that broke the camels back.'
  • Czar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations

    Czar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations
    I chose this photo because it is a photograph of Tsar Nicolaus II and his heir inspecting the Russian army. It is on Monday, August 24th, paired with excerpts from his journal of the things that happened that day. This provides a clear perspective into what he was doing during the time he was in charge. “24th August. Monday. Woke up around 9 o’cl. The morning was so beautiful in the woods. After tea rode to Mogilev to the cathedral and from there to the house of the gov..."
  • Brusilov Offensive

    Brusilov Offensive
    This picture was chosen because it depicts the large masses of soldiers who fought in the Brusilov Offensive and implies the large number of casualties following the attack.
  • Assassination of Rasputin

    Assassination of Rasputin
    I chose this photo because it is portraying Rasputin as someone with extraordinary gifts. This is exemplary of how the Tsar's wife viewed Rasputin, as she believed he could heal her son when no one else could.
  • International Women’s Day March in Petrograd

    International Women’s Day March in Petrograd
    I chose this photo because it is from Bloody Sunday directly, and it illustrates the way that the soldiers were treating the citizens. In the photo alone, they are grabbing them harshly and a few are on the group. Not only does this show the nature of those who were supposed to protect citizens, but it illustrates the extent to which Nicholas would go to keep his place in power.
  • Nicholas II Abdicates

    Nicholas II Abdicates
    I chose this photo because it is a picture of him over the letter of abdication that he wrote. This letter brought prominent changes to Russia, as it led to the provisional government, the Bolsheviks, and eliminated tsarist rule from the country.
  • Provisional Government formed

    Provisional Government formed
    The provisional government consisted of the Duma, which is why I've selected this photo. This is a photo of the members of the provisional government. The limited points of views are evident in this photo, as they all appear to be Caucasian. This is one of the reasons that the provisional government was considered incompetent, as they were unable to broaden their views of solutions.
  • Return of Lenin from exile

    Return of Lenin from exile
    This is a photo of a comic of Vladimir Lenin on the bow of a ship. This pictures him as a hero which is representative of how many Russian's saw him, leading to his rise in power. Lenin was an expert at manipulating his stance to have others follow him.
  • April Theses published

    April Theses published
    This photo was chosen because it represents the power Lenin had over the Russian people one his April Theses were published. The picture shows Lenin giving a speech to a large crowd and his power over the people is strongly implied.
  • First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets

    First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets
    This is a photo of the first all-Russian Congress of Soviets on the first meeting. This picture was chosen because it displays the solidarity of the Congress through the orderly rows of members and the similar uniforms of the time as well.
  • July Days

    July Days
    This picture was chosen because it depicts the large number of protestors present during the July Days protests, which implies the force mustered by the people and the power of the Russian government in suppressing such uprisings.
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    This image was chosen because it depicts a large number of men united together by one common belief, symbolizing the power of unity against a common foe; however, the unity of the men was not enough to secure victory in this case.
  • Trotsky organizes Red Guard to defend Petrograd

    Trotsky organizes Red Guard to defend Petrograd
    This image was chosen because it implies the sheer power the Red Army was capable of putting out in comparison to any other enemy opposition and was a fearsome force to go up against in battle.
  • Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control

    Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control
    This image was chosen as it depicts the mass number of Bolsheviks who took control and overthrew the Provisional Government and is significant because it displays the range of possibilities when large masses of people are united by a common goal.
  • Cheka formed

    Cheka formed
    The Cheka, or All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, was established by the Bolshevik government to consolidate its power and eliminate political opposition. The image was chosen as it is a commemoration of the 5 years that the Cheka served, showing the high status that the Cheka had as secret police for the Bolsheviks.
  • Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded

    Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded
    The Constituent Assembly was a democratically elected body that was intended to establish a new government for Russia. However, it was disbanded after a single day of meetings because it did not support the Bolshevik government's agenda. The picture is chosen as it gives a visualization of the elections held in Russia for the Constituent Assembly. The results show that the election was not in favor for the Bolsheviks.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    This treaty ended Russia's involvement in World War I and ceded significant territory to Germany and its allies. The Bolsheviks were forced to accept the treaty because they needed to consolidate their power and focus on consolidating the revolution within Russia. The picture chosen gives a visual representation of the territory lost to the Germans. The large loss of land showing the desperation Russia had to leave the war.
  • Wartime Communism created

    Wartime Communism created
    This policy was designed to increase the Soviet Union's industrial and military capabilities during the Russian Civil War by nationalizing industry, requisitioning food from peasants, and eliminating private trade. The policy resulted in widespread famine and social unrest. The picture shows the harsh impacts of War Communism, specifically the famine that it caused and the suffering of citizens in Russia.
  • Red Terror

    Red Terror
    A period of intense violence and repression carried out by the Bolshevik government and its secret police carried out mass arrests, executions, forced labor, and intimidation to suppress opposition and consolidate their power. The Red Terror included mass executions, deportations, and other forms of violence. The picture depicts a giant dressed in all red causing havoc and executions. The giant represents the Bolsheviks usage of violence in the civil war.
  • .Kolchak (one of the White leaders) begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia

    .Kolchak (one of the White leaders) begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia
    Admiral Alexander Kolchak was a leader of the White movement, which sought to overthrow the Bolshevik government. He launched a series of military campaigns from Siberia against the Red Army.
    The image is Kolchak observing military training, showing his position of authority, as well as his activity in the war against the reds.
  • Ukraine brought under Soviet control

    Ukraine brought under Soviet control
    the Soviet Union invaded and annexed much of its territory.After a period of fighting, the Soviet government was able to establish control over Ukraine and incorporate it into the Soviet union, it was officially named the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic. This was a significant victory for the Bolsheviks, as Ukraine was an important agricultural and industrial region.
    The image chosen is the (eventual) flag of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic.
  • Tambov Rebellion

    Tambov Rebellion
    This was the largest peasant uprsing during the Russian Civil War. This uprising had started due to Tambov peasants opposing the Whites and felt dissatisfied due to the Bolshevik's policies, especially grain requistioning. This had eventually formed the Union of Toiling Peasants (UTP) which created a manifesto that called for political equality, land reform, etc. The image is significant because it shows the leader of the UTP and the peasant uprising , Alexander Antonov.
  • Poles move toward Kiev

    Poles move toward Kiev
    Also known as the Kiev Offensive. During this Polish and Ukraine soliders, led by Józef Pilsudski, traveled to seized former Polish lands. The image shown is significant because it shows the outcome of the offensive as the Polish army claims territory.
  • Soviets attempt to take Warsaw

    Soviets attempt to take Warsaw
    Known as the Battle of Warsaw, that continued from Agust 12-August 15, The Red Army approached the Polish Capital, Warsaw, and the nearby Modlin Fortress. The Soviets were defeated by the Polish and resulted in the establishment of the Russo-Polish border. The image is significant because it shows actual images during the battle of Warsaw.
  • Kronstadt uprising

    Kronstadt uprising
    One of the several major internal uprisings against the Soviet's rule. This had uprising had greatly influenced the Communist Party's decisio to have an economic liberalization to relieve harships during the Civil War known as the New Economic Policy. The image is significant because the uprising had been primarily been formed with sailors on the Kronstadt naval base.
  • Ending of Wartime Communism

    Ending of Wartime Communism
    Due to the risk of an uprising of workers and peasants, Lenin decided to abolish the War Communism Policy and create a completely different system known as the New Economic Policy. The image is significant because it shows the comparison of both of Lenin's policies.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    An agreement signed on April 16, 1922. The agreement was between the German Republic and Soviet Russia where both had renounced territorial and financial claims against one another and opened diplomatic relations. The image is significant because it shows the meeting for the Treaty of Rapallo.
  • Formation of Soviet Union

    Formation of Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union was a treaty between Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Transcauscasia. Also known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Rupublisc (USSR), the comminist party was led by Lenin and took control of the government. The image is significant because it is the flag of the Soviet Union.
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    Vladimir Lenin had died due to a brain hemorrhage at age 54. Upon his death, Joseph Stalin had become Lenin's successor as the new Leader of the Soviet Union. The image is significnat because it is an image of Lenin on his death bed.