
Russia Timeline

  • The Revolution of 1905 and The October Manifesto

    The Revolution of 1905 and The October Manifesto
    This political cartoon represents the wants of the Russian citizens in the 1905 revolution that they demanded of the Tsar with the October Manifesto. It also shows that the revolution was due to the oppression Tsar Nicholas II bestowed upon the Russian peasants and workers.
  • The Beginning of World War I

    The Beginning of World War I
    This newspaper image reflects the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and how that was the catalyst for the Great War for Germany and Austria-Hungary.
  • Tsar Nicholas II takes sole control of military operations

    Tsar Nicholas II takes sole control of military operations
    In this political cartoon, the tsar puts himself in control of the army and ignores all the domestic social unrest; his actions create even more violence at home.
  • Assassination of Rasputin

    Assassination of Rasputin
    Here Rasputin is pictured with the Romanovs. This is a valuable image because it represents why he was assassinated: his close ties and influence over the tsar.
  • International Women's Day March in Petrograd

    International Women's Day March in Petrograd
    This photo shows how large the march was and that it wasn't just women who were protesting. All types of people came together to protest the unfair rationing of food.
  • Provisional Government Formed

    Provisional Government Formed
    This political cartoon shows how Russia was falling apart due to the effects of WWI and the social unrest in the country. The Provisional Government, formed two days before the tsar's abdication, is pictured trying to fix the issues plaguing Russia.
  • Nicholas II abdicates

    Nicholas II abdicates
    This news paper article documents the tsar's abdication, but it also shows the effects that had/the reasons why he was forced to abdicate. Further, it being published in the New York Times shows how international this news was.
  • Return of Lenin from exile

    Return of Lenin from exile
    This painting shows how Lenin accomplished his goal upon returning from exile in Switzerland: inciting political agitation in Russia to overthrow the Provisional Government.
  • April These Published

    April These Published
    In this political cartoon, Lenin is a giant who is leading his followers toward the winter palace. This is due to his April Theses that gained him a lot of following due to its plan to have a more socialist government and to overthrow the Provisional Government.
  • Brusilov Offensive

    Brusilov Offensive
    This image of a Russian burial ceremony for soldiers that died in the Brusilov Offensive represents how brutal the fighting was, how low the morale of the troops was, and symbolically represents the death of the Russian army as well.
  • First All-Russian Congress of Soviets Meet

    First All-Russian Congress of Soviets Meet
    From this photo, the support of the all-Russian Soviet Congress can be seen in the large mass of people meeting. These parties were pro-government and eventually made an agreement with the Provisional Government to hold 'Dual Power'.
  • July Days

    July Days
    This image shows just one of the many demonstrations during the July Days and is a good representation of this period of unrest as it shows the panic, frustration, and anger of the protestors and shows the nature of the violence inflicted on both sides during the July Days.
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    This picture of General Kornilov facing his soldiers before the attempted coup emphasizes how, though the coup was unsuccessful, the soldiers of the broken Russian Army were more loyal to their generals than to the Provisional Government in most cases.
  • Trotsky organizes the Red Guard to defend Petrograd

    Trotsky organizes the Red Guard to defend Petrograd
    This picture depicts the first unit of the Red Guard that had been gathered by Trotsky to defend Petrograd. The small scale of this group emphasizes how, before Trotsky intervened, there was virtually no substantial defense of the Provisional Government in the Winter Palace.
  • Bolsheviks overthrow Provisional Government and take control

    Bolsheviks overthrow Provisional Government and take control
    This painting of Lenin leading the Bolsheviks to greatness during the October Revolution of 1917 displays how many communist nations/groups throughout history would go on to celebrate Lenin's achievements on this day as being the true awakening of communism in the modern era.
  • Cheka formed

    Cheka formed
    This political cartoon conveys the brutality of the Cheka and the horrors faced by any of those that might have been deemed by the Bolsheviks as being traitors to the country or political opponents.
  • Constituent Assembly meet and is disbanded

    Constituent Assembly meet and is disbanded
    This photo of the Constituent Assembly during its last meeting before being dismantled is representative of the chaos that was the Russian government at the time, and it also conveys the confusion and shock felt by most of the members in the Assembly at this time.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    This image shows the sheer amount of territory lost in the Brest-Litovsk Treaty by the Russians, both to the west and to the south. It also emphasizes how much the Russian defeat cost the allies, as the map shows how fighting continues to rage on the western front
  • Wartime Communism created

    Wartime Communism created
    This painting of a family eating a dead horse represents the horrors faced by the vast majority of the Russian population under Wartime Communism as the policy killed hundreds of thousands to disease and famine.
  • Red Terror

    Red Terror
    This political cartoon, with the large skeletal figure representing the Red Terror, shows the harsh reality of those living in Russia during the Civil War: as villages and fields were frequently burned down entirely by the Reds (and, admittedly, the Whites), doing anything it took to win the war.
  • Kolchak begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia

    Kolchak begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia
    Photo displays Alexander Kolchak (pictured in the center) with various other high in command individuals and soldiers of the White Army. Chosen as it clearly shows the diversity of the White army and Kolchak's firm military authority due to his vast amount of support.
  • Ukraine brought under Soviet Control

    Ukraine brought under Soviet Control
    This political cartoon represents the fierce oppression Ukraine faced when attempting to fight over territorial reasons. Depicts the Bolshevik's fierce overpowering of the Ukrainian army and the impossible nature of the specific battle and overall fight for independence.
  • Poles move toward Kiev

    Poles move toward Kiev
    Political illustration displaying the Polish-Soviet struggles. Chosen as despite the cartoon nature, the physical violence displayed shows the brutal aggression endured by both sides of the fighting and it also displays the wide area of effect that this fighting occurred over.
  • Soviets attempt to take Warsaw

    Soviets attempt to take Warsaw
    Painting depicts a multitude of important aspects of the battle. First, the sheet brutality is displayed through the progressive murdering from both sides of the battle. Further, the depiction shows the importance of religion and peace from the people of Warsaw as the priest in the center is shown holding up a cross towards the enemy. Lastly the angels in the sky relay the mass amounts of deaths that occurred.
  • Tambov Rebellion

    Tambov Rebellion
    Photo depicts the armed peasants participating in the uprising. Chosen as it shows the lack of resources that the peasants had and thus the significance of the uprising as the peasants caused mass destruction despite not being as well equipped as the Soviets.
  • Kronstadt uprising

     Kronstadt uprising
    Picture was chosen as it displays the brutal methods used by the Bolsheviks to suppress the uprising. Despite being previously loyal members and despite the terrible state of the economy, the sailors were still brutally attacked and defeated.
  • Ending of Wartime Communism

    Ending of Wartime Communism
    Political illustration/propaganda chosen as it displays the prosperity initiates for the people and economy after the end of wartime communism. Shows specifically a betterment of agriculture and determined looks form the civilians represents the positive response to war communism's end.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    Photograph depicts the negotiation table between Russia and Germany in 1922. This displays the sense of mutual support between the two groups and the positive nature of the negotiation depending for their growth.
  • Formation of Soviet Union

    Formation of Soviet Union
    Diagram of the newly formed USSR was chosen to illustrate the mass amount of territory and number of countries that this formation encompassed. This then also showing the widespread area of influence that the USSR would have moving forward.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    News article displays New York Times informing of Lenin's death. This was chosen as it shows the mass amount of influence this death had globally. Though obviously being extremely influential in Russia itself, this displays that (due to headlining the article) Lenin's death was massively important for changing international relations moving forward.