The Revolution of Russia

  • Marxists Revolutionaries Split

    Marxists Revolutionaries Split
    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • Russian vs. Japs

    Russian vs. Japs
    They signed treaties but Russia disobeyed. Japan then attacked Russia. Repeated Russian loses led to revolts in the midst of war.
  • 1905 Bloody Revoultion

    1905 Bloody Revoultion
    They approched Czar's palace, fought for better working conditions. Wanted more freedom and elected national Legislature. Lots of people were shot and killed.
  • 1st Duma met

    1st Duma met
    Wanted to be similar to Britian but Czar dissolved Duma in 10 weeks. Leaders were moderates that wanted Russia to become a constitutional monarchy. This was Russia's first parliament.
  • WW1. The last straw.

    WW1. The last straw.
    Russia went into WW1 unprepared and got steamrolled. This revealed weakness in Russia military and Czar leadership. In less than one year, the lost over 4 million soliders.
  • March Strike

    March Strike
    Women in textile factories went on strike and staarted riots. Soliders order to fire at protest but later joined their side. Over 200,000 workers were involved.
  • Government Falls

    Government Falls
    Armed factory workers stormed winter palace in Petrograd. Called themselves Bolshevik Red Guards and they took over government offices and arrested the leaders. Led by Lenin's slogan: "Peace, Land, and Bread."
  • Power in March

    Power in March
    Signed treaty of Brest-Litovsk. This was a treaty between Russia and Germany. This mad many Russian mad because all their work in WW1 was done.
  • 1920 Civil War

    1920 Civil War
    The opponents of Bolshevik's were known as the White Army. Bolsheviks were able to both seize power and maintain it in Russia. 14 million Russians died in the famine invested 3 years after.
  • Lenin's Policy

    Lenin's Policy
    Lenin puts aside plan for state-controlled economy and instead put in a small-scale version of capitalism. Reforms under this new policy allowed peasants to sell their surplus crops instead of giving to the government. Government kept control of major industries, banks, and means of communication.
  • Decious Stalin

    Decious Stalin
    Stalin behind scenes to move supporters into power. After lenin suffered a stroke in 1922, Stalin became dictator. Stalin was cold, hard and impersonal to Russia.