Industrial revelution

The Industrial Revelution

  • James Hargreaves invents spinning jenny

    James Hargreaves invents spinning jenny
    pictureThe cotton industry needed a faster way to weav cotton rather than using people. James Hargreaves invented a spinning machine in order for manufacturing to be faster. There were a few of other people who helped contribute to "Spinning Jenny" or Hargreaves design. Thread was now being made faster than weavers could weave now.
  • James Watt builds steam engine that can drive machinery

    James Watt builds steam engine that can drive machinery
    pictureThe cotton industry became even more efficient thanks to James Wattss's steam engine. The engine helped with fast weaving as well as being able to drive machinery. Soon after cotton mills all over Britain started using steam engines. The factories did not have ti be near rivers because the engines were powered by coal.
  • Robert Fulton builds the first paddle-wheel steamboat

    Robert Fulton builds the first paddle-wheel steamboat
    pictureThe United States was now about 30 million people and they needed another mode of transportation. Robert Fulton built the first paddle-wheel steamboat in August 17, 1807 in order ot help with the transportation problem. People were now building waterways and canals which helped people come down south from the Mississppi River. The steamboat also helped people move all around the Great Lakes in the Michigan and Wisconsin area.
  • Congress of Vienna meets to create balance of power

    Congress of Vienna meets to create balance of power
    pictureAfter the defeat of Napoleon the European leaders wanted to restore order. Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia met at the Congress of Vienna to create a peace settlement and reinstate that order.
  • Constitutional Monarchy in France

    Constitutional Monarchy in France
    pictureThere were revelutionary outbursts within France, and people wanted to get rid of the absolute monarchy. Liberals overthrew the monarch Charles X and constitutional mocharchy. The next monarchy was Louis-Philippe who came from the upper middle class, and was also Charles X's cousin. m
  • Factory Act reduces child labor in Britain

    Factory Act reduces child labor in Britain
    pictureWomen and children was made up of two-thirds of the cotton industy's workforce in 1830. When the factory act of 1833 was made Children then had to be 9 years old to work and it helped cut the numbers down. Children between 9 and 13 could work only 9 hours a day and children 14 to 18 could only work for 12 hours.
  • Revolutions sweep through Europe

    Revolutions sweep through Europe
    pictureSevere economic hardships began in 1846 and brought many problems to France's lower middle class. The middle class also wanted to be able to vote. Unfortunately Louis-Phillipe's government refused to make economic changes and the opposition grew. In 1848 the people overthrew the government. A group republicans set up a temporary, government. The republicans wanted France to be a republic.
  • Austria reestablishes control over Lombardy

    Austria reestablishes control over Lombardy
    pictureIn 1848, Lombardy and Venetia revolted against Austria. Revelutionaries also took up arms hoping to unify Italy. In 1849 however Austria had already regained control over Lombardy and the old order now prevailed in Italy once again.
  • Second Empire begins in France

    Second Empire begins in France
    pictureAfter the revelution of 1848 events moved towards the restoration of the monarchy. On December 2, 1848 Louis Napoleon takes title as Napoleon III, Emporer of France. His government was authoritarian, that way he controlled everything. The Legislative Corps gave an appearance of representative government, because members were elected for a six year term. However, they could neither initiate legislation nor affect the budget.
  • Italy Unified

    Italy Unified
    pictureKing Victor Emmanuel II declares Italy as a nation.Italy was now a nation but still not completely unified. Ventia in the north was still oned bt Austria, and Rome ruled by Pope and supported by French troops. Gained control over ventia through war between Austria and Prussia. They gained control over Rome through the Franco-Prussian War because, French troops withdrew.