The History Of Blood

  • Jan Swammerdam

    Jan Swammerdam
    Jan Swammerdam a Dutch microscopist is considered to be the first scientist to observe and describe red blood cells. Giving the world an idea of what blood is really made of.
  • First Recorded Blood Tranfusion

    The first ever recorded blood transfusion was done by a man named Richard Lower. He used a crude syringe made of goose quil and bladder to transfuse the blood of one dog to another.
  • Red Blood Cell Sizes Are Desribed

    A Dutch linen drapper turned microscopist provides a better desription of red blood cells. Claiming them to be "25,000 times smaller than a fine grain of sand".
  • The First Unrecorded Human To Human Blood Transfusion

    Although his work was not recorded a Philadelphia physician named Philip Syng Physick is credited with the fist human to human blood transfusion. evidence shows from a medical journal in Philadelphia.
  • First Recorded Human To Human Blood Transfusion

    The first ever human to human blood transfsion is done by a man named James Blundell. He used a syringe to inject a paintient suffering from internal bleeding from several donors
  • BloodClots

    Sir William Olser is able to look deep enough into a bone marrow cell to discover that there are clots in the blood. This would lead to a health problem that would take the lives of thousands.
  • The New Blood Type

    Two men by the name of Alfred Von Decastello and Adriano Sturli identify the fourth blood type in that century, AB blood type. A mixture of both A type and B type.
  • Cross Matching

    In a hospital in New York Dr. Reuben Ottenberg completes the fiirst blood transfusion using the newly developed preocces called cross matching. Reducing tranfusing reactions ans saving lives.
  • Blood Storage

    Blood Storage
    At thre Rockefeller institute in New York two men called Francis Peyton Rous and J.R. Turner come across a breakthrough in thier studies. They had found a way to store blood for a few weeks after being collected and still remain usable for transfusion by using a cirate-glucose solution.
  • First Transfusion With A Cadaver

    Dr. Sergw Yudin succesfully completed the first blood transfusion using a cadaver. The patient was 60 years old and slit his wrists trying to commit suicide.
  • "Blood Bank"

    Dr. Philip Fantus adds something new to the terms of blood holding. He calls blood conservation and donation centers as blood banks .
  • The Unknown Antibody

    After a woman had given still birth to a child DRS. Phillip Levin and R.E. Stetson had found an unknown antibody in the womans blood causing the stillbirth. Only a year later is the antibody identified
  • The Rh Blood Group

    Drs. Karl Landstiener and Alexander Wiener discover a blood type through a series of expirements using the red blood cells of a Rhesus monkey. Identifying the antibody found by Levine and Stetson to be ati-Rh.
  • A Deeper look Into Red Blood Cells

    Using X-ray crystallography at Cambridge University in England, Dr.Max Perutz took a deeper look inside red blood cells and found something new. He was able to look deep enough into the red blood cell to fully unravel the sructure of the hemoglobin a protien inside the cell that contains oxygen.
  • AIDS

    The fisrt cases of a immune system destroying virus was recorded in a number of people. Originally called GRID (Gay-related Immunodeficiency Disease) but then lateer changed to what we all know as AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
  • The Cause

    Dr. Robert Gallo of the NIH (The National Institute of Health) annonces that he understands what virus is causing AIDS in people. A virus called HTLV III (Human T-cell Lymphotropic virus).
  • A Change In Containers

    A man named Dr. Carl W. Walker wanted to have a better way to hold blood that was less fragile and saved room in storage areas. He developed a plastic bag that didn't contaminate the blood and preserved it.