The Franks

  • Period: 350 to 550

    Migration of Germanic tribes

    From 350 to 550 A.D., Germanic tribes migrated all over western Europe after the collapse of the Roman Empire
  • Period: 465 to 511

    Clovis- 465-511

  • 500

    Attacks Burgundians at Dijon

    Attacks Burgundians at Dijon
  • 531

    Franks defeat Thuringans.

  • Period: Jan 1, 714 to Jan 1, 741

    Charles Martel

    Charles Martel ruled from (714-741). He defeated the Moors at Battle of Tours. Before the battle, he took property and donated it to the church. In 732, he fought in the Battle of Tours, which stopped Islamic Expansion into western Europe.
  • Jan 1, 732

    Charles Martel Defeates Muslims at Battle of Tours.

    In 732 A.D., Charles "Hammer" Martel defeated muslims (Saracens) at Battle of Tours. This enabled Christianity to survive in western Europe.
  • Jan 1, 773

    Charles defeats Lombards

    In 773 A.D., Charles defeats Lombards. He gave the land he won to church.
  • Christmas Day

    Christmas Day
    Pope crowns Charlemagne “Emperor of the Romans”. No one had that title for 400 years.
  • Treaty of Verdun

    Treaty of Verdun
    In 843, the treaty of Verdun was signed, which divided empire.
  • Clovis defeats Alemanni

    Clovis defeats Alemanni
    In 496 AD, Clovis defeated Alemanni. Frank border was secured to Rhine. This was the beginning of Middle Ages.
  • Clovis defeats the Roman legions

    In 486 A.D., Clovis defeats the Roman legions under Syagrius at Soissons. This ends Roman domination over Gaul.
  • Period: to

    Louis the Pious rules

    Louis the Pious was the son of Charlemagne. He ruled from 814 to 840. He was a well meaning king, but he was short-sighted.