
The Byzantine Empire

  • 476

    Roman Empire fell

    Roman Empire  fell
    Flavius Odoacer who was a barbarian soldier, took control and made the Western Roman Empire fell.At the same time the Byzantine Empire began.
  • 525

    Justinian get married .

    Justinian get married .
    The powerful emperor Justinian fell in love and married a young women called Theodora.
  • 527

    Justinian became emperor.

    Justinian became emperor.
    Justinian was the most powerful emperor that the Byzantine Empire had.
  • 532

    Nika rebellion.

    Nika rebellion.
    These terrible and big rebellion took place over the course of a week in Constantinople. It was the most violent rebellion in the history of Constantinople.
  • 532

    End of Nika Rebellion.

    End of Nika Rebellion.
    The most violent rebellion placed at Constantinople lasted six days and half of the city was burned and destroyed, lots of people were killed.
  • 533

    Belisarius recover lands.

    Belisarius recover lands.
    Justinian send his best general to recover North Africa from the invading Germanis tribes.Belisarius and his forces quickly succeeded.
  • 535

    Belisarius attacked Rome.

    Belisarius attacked Rome.
    Justinian's best general Belisarius attacked Rome and seized from a group known as the Otrogoths.
  • Period: 535 to 551

    Byzantine changed hands

    Rome changed hands 6 times during 16 years.
  • 565

    End of Justinian's reign.

    End of Justinian's reign.
    One of the most powerful emperors that the Byzantine empire had finished his reign because of his death.
  • Jan 1, 721

    Control of Asia Minor,

    Control of Asia Minor,
    Byzantine Regains control of Asia Minor from the Muslims.
  • Jan 1, 1055

    Loss of southern Italy to the Normans

    Loss of southern Italy to the Normans
    The Normans took Southern Italy from the Byzantine Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    End of the Byzantine Empire.

    End of the Byzantine Empire.
    The Ottomans took Constantinople, making the end of the Byzantine Empire.
  • Justinian was born.

    Justinian was born.
    The most powerful emperor that the Byzantine Empire had was born.
  • Justinian Code.

    Justinian Code.
    The Panel created a single, uniform code known as Justinian Code after its completion, The code consisted of four works. The Justinian Code decided legal questions that regulated whole areas of Byzantine life.
  • Theodora´s death.

    Theodora´s death.
    Justinian´s wife Theodora died of breast cancer at the age of 48, her bodywas buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles.