Technology Created After 1998

  • Online Schools

    Schools you can take omline and get a degree, some are free and others aren't but you can still take any grade level online.
  • Period: to

    Start and stoping times

  • Bluetooth

    is a by now well-established communications standard for short-distance wireless connections. It replaces the many proprietary cables that connect one device to another with one universal short-range radio link. For instance, Bluetooth radio technology built into both the cellular telephone and the laptop would replace the cable used today to connect a laptop to a cellular telephone. Printers, desktops, fax machines, keyboards, joysticks and virtually any other digital device can be part of the
  • Wikipidea

    A website that you can post your ideas about other peoples questions! Can be factiual, I would not trust it though
  • Facebook

    A social networking website that can connect you to people all over the world, and see what your freinds post and are doing.
  • Youtube

    A website that is used to post and view videos at all times!
  • Twitter

    A social networking site to "tweet" about what you are doing and what you feel, and your followers can view!
  • Itouch

    A ipod with touch screen techonolgy and searches for Wi-fi!
  • Netflix

    A movie network that is created to view movies, television shows for just $8 a month.
  • Nintendo DS

    A gameboy that is used anywhere and has little chips that you place into it to play a game, some even come with a camera!
  • Yahoo

    Is a website to search anything and everything and to be updated on news and current events.