Tea Party- Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

  • Born

    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna is born
  • Joins Army

    Joins Army
    Santa Anna is in army against the Republic of Texas. He joins in the year 1811. When he joins he is a Cadet.
  • Married

    Santa Anna married at age 13. He marries on the year of 1825. He has 4 kids named Guadilupe, Maria del Carmin, Manuel, and Antonio.
  • Term Begins

    Term Begins
    Santa Anna's term begins. He begins in April of 1833. then he retires to hacienda. After his retirement Valentine Gomez assumes power
  • Resumes Presidency

    Resumes Presidency
    Santa Anna resumes his presidency. The year is 1834. He takes power back from Valentine Gomez Farias
  • Leads Army

    Leads Army
    Santa Anna leads his army into the Texas Rebellion.In the year 1836. Even though they got their independence shortly before they were confident in winning.
  • Alamo

    Santa Anna sieges the Alamo. He does this on February 23, 1836. The seige lasted many days and was a gruesome and hard fought famous battle.
  • Captured

    Santa Anna is captured. The year is 1836. He is forced to sign treaty to Texas's Independence.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    Santa Anna has his interview with president Jackson. They talk i the white house. The year is 1837
  • Death of Wife

    Death of Wife
    After the death of his first wife, Santa Anna remarries to a women, age 15, named Maria Dolares de Tosta
  • Following his Exile

    Following his Exile
    After being exiled into Jamaica because of things he did, he rebelled against the Mexican Government taking it over again, this is his last term. The year is 1848.
  • Death

    Santa Anna dies in Mexico City, Mexico.