South Africa Imperialism

  • 300


    Black population moved into the area as early as 300 A.D. A lot of different groups who spoke the Bantu languages lived in eastern South Africa. By 1500, the Khoikhol-who were basically farmers and hunters, lived in the western part of South Africa.
  • Cape Colony Founding

    Cape Colony Founding
    Jan van Riebeeck, representing Dutch East India, founds the Cape Colony at Table Bay.
  • British forces seize Cape Colony from the Netherlands

    British forces seize Cape Colony from the Netherlands
    The British seized the Dutch Cape Colony in 1795, then returned it to the Dutch in 1803 and seized the Cape Colony again in 1806.
  • Re-Seizing of the Cape Colony

    Re-Seizing of the Cape Colony
    After losing control of the Cape Colony to the Dutch in 1803, the British gain back control on January 8th, 1806.
  • Zulu Empire

    Zulu Empire
    Shaka Zulu founds the Zulu empire in 1816 and continues to expand the empire until around 1826. With this empire, a new fighting force is created.
  • The Great Trek

    The Great Trek
    The Boers leave Cape Colony and eventually found Transvaal.
  • British grant limited self-government to the Transvaal

    British grant limited self-government to the Transvaal
    The Transvaal Colony, was granted self-government status by Britain, following the terms of the Vereeniging Peace Treaty, signed by representatives of the two Boer Republics and Britain on May 31, 1902.
  • Gold

    Gold was found in the Witwatersrand in the Transvaal.This triggered the gold rush, and thousands of people were employed to work in the mines.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    Boers rebel against the British, starting the first Anglo-Boer War. War ends in 1881 with negotiated peace.
  • Anglo-Boer War #2

    Anglo-Boer War #2
    Factors that lead to this war were political ideas of imperialism and republicanism, the discovery of gold, tension between political leaders, etc. This war ended in 1902.
  • Treaty of Vereeniging

    Treaty of Vereeniging
    Treaty of Vereeniging ends the second Anglo-Boer War. The Transvaal and Orange Free State are made self-governing colonies of the British Empire.
  • Land Act

    Land Act
    The Land Act is introduced to prevent blacks, except those living in Cape Province, from buying land.