South Africa

By prisila
  • Apr 16, 1450

    The city, part of which is shown here, flourished form about A.D 1100 to 1450

  • The dutch settled in south africa

  • .The british first came to South Africa in the early 1800

    .The british first came to South Africa in the early 1800
  • In the 1890s, the british controlled the area and called it Rhodesia

  • Later ,the discovery of dimonds and gold attracted many british settled

    Later ,the discovery of dimonds and gold attracted many british settled
  • in 1910 afrikaner and british territories became the union of south africa

    in 1910 afrikaner and british territories became the union of south africa
  • Black south africans founded the african national congress in 1912

    Black south africans founded the african national congress in 1912
  • in 1948 the whites set up a system of apartheid made it ilegal for different races.

  • in 1964 the british colony became independent.

  • From the 1500 until its independence in 1975, angola was a colony of portugal

  • Under french and then british rule, it finally became independent in 1976

  • since 1980 the govervent has tried to redistibute land to africans.

    since 1980 the govervent has tried to redistibute  land to africans.
  • many countries cut off trade with south africa

  • south africa held its first democratic elections in april 1994

  • After nearly 80 years of british colinial rule, Botswana became independent in 1996

  • Such floods drove over one million people from their home in early 2000

    Such floods drove over one million people from their home in early 2000