
South Africa

  • 1220

    Founding of the Great Zimbabwe

    Founding of the Great Zimbabwe
    The earliest known documentation of settlement in the region of South Africa was known as the Great Zimbabwe Empire. It was founded in 1220 and it prospered until it's dissolvement in 1450. Since they discovered the very valued gold in that region, which was very big in their economic system, (especially to trade) their foundation was important. The structures that they built during their reign were also outstanding. These things also led to the many prospering nations/empires after it.
  • Period: 1220 to

    South Africa

  • 1572

    The Accidental Crusade

    The Accidental Crusade
    The Accidental Crusade originated from the Mutapa Empire because a Porteguese missionary went to Mutapa hoping to convert, and succeeded with the Mwenemutapa’s court. The muslim merchants did not agree with the the missionary and ended up killing him. This gave the Porteguese a reason to take over their gold mines, and eventually they tried to take over the entire empire, but failed miserably. So, they took their anger out on the Kilwa Kisiwani. The Portuguese killed the Kilwa Kisiwani.
  • The British recaptured the Cape of Good Hope.

    The British recaptured the Cape of Good Hope.
    They took over because of the diamonds and gold that were being found. By 1820, only 757 British people had settled in the Cape. Meanwhile, the economy had strengthened and farmers were reaping the rewards of favorable tariffs for wine exports to Britain. One of the reasons that they took over the cape was because they had access to trade routes to India. In the 1860s their interest in the Cape increased because they found diamonds.
  • colonization

    The African Conflict split the Zulu elite into factions and to Shaka’s assassination in 1828. Shaka’s brother became Zulu leader, but his succession was accompanied by civil wars and by increasing interference in the Delagoa Bay trading alliances. By the mid-1830s a coalition of Cape merchants had begun planning for the formal colonization of Natal, with its agricultural soils and temperate climate. The British left the back to England..
  • technolagy

    South Africa has twenty first century technology. The religion in South Africa consists of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judauism. The traditions in South Africa consists of all religious holidays. South Africa has a lot of British architecture. The languages are, English, Southern Sotho, Tsonga, Swati and many others.
  • Anglo-Zulu War

    Anglo-Zulu War
    The war between the British and Zulu Empire was initiated because the British wanted the land that the Zulu Empire stood on (modern day South Africa) since it was so profitable. The diamond fields, gold mines, and the labour that the workers of Zulu would provide, are some examples of the things that they would profit from. The British won because of their power and large army. Because this was the start of imperialism, the Anglo-Zulu War was a very important event.
  • The first Boer War

    The first Boer War
    In 1880, the first Boer war happened, this war was fought by the Transvaal Republic or Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek and the British Colonizers. One of the first reasons was because of the very large expansion of the British Empire and had already taken most of the South Africa region. It also started with the issues with the Transvaal government, which was taken over by the British. During this war, the Boers had some help from their neighbors in the Orange Free State.
  • Great Britain had control of a lot of large area

    Great Britain had control of a lot of large area
    During 1914, Great Britain had control of a very large number of colonies and they had a phrase saying “the sun never sets on the British Empire”. This phrase was used to describe the vastness of its holdings on colonies it owned. Imperialism had consequences that affected the colonial nations and It also affected some of Europe. Some spots in South Africa were taken by the German and the Portuguese.
  • Founding of Angola

    Angola- Angola gaines independence on November 11, 1975. Angola is located in South Africa. Paulo Dias De Novais founded Angola with 400 soldiers. Angola is boarded by Namibia and Zimbabwe. Angola is twice the Texas. Angola is the fifth largest diamond producer and is rich in oil. Luanda is the capital and the largest city in Angola. One of the fastest growing economies is Angola.

    Archaeological records date human settlement of present-day Zimbabwe to at least 100,000 years ago. The earliest known inhabitants were probably San people, who left behind arrowheads and cave paintings. The first Bantu-speaking farmers arrived during the Bantu expansion around 2000 years ago.