Sister irene

Sister Irene McCormack

  • The birth of Irene

    The birth of Irene
    Irene McCormack was born in Kununoppin, in west Australia on the 21st of August, 1938. She was one of 6 children and lived on a wheat farm in North East Perth.
  • Period: to

    Life of Irene McCormack

  • Irene joining the Sisters of St. Josephs

    Irene joining the Sisters of St. Josephs
    On the 29th of January 1956, when Irene was 17 years old, she entered into the Sisters of St. Josephs.
  • Irene received vows as a novice.

    Irene received vows as a novice.
    The 6th of January, 1957, she received vows as a novice intothe order.
  • Irene takes her final vows

    Irene takes her final vows
    On the 6th of January, 1965, she takes her final vows.
  • Irene graduates from University.

    Irene graduates from University.
    On the 4th of August 1969 she graduated from the university of Western Australia.
  • Irene taught as a teacher

    From the day she graduated (the 4th of August) and the work as a teacher she completed before and after her graduation totaled to 30 years as a teacher mostly in country schools in West Australia.
  • Irene goes to Huasahuasi

    Irene goes to Huasahuasi
    June the 26th, 1989, Irene went to care for people in Huasahuasi.
  • Irene leaves Huasahuasi due to warnings.

    On the 17th of December, 1989, she leaves due to warnings of the Shining Path but returned back in January the 14th.
  • Irene's death.

    Irene's death.
    On May the 21st, 1991, Irene was shot in the head and it was reported that the person who killed her was a young girl.
  • Irene is publicy trialed- guity for feeding the poor

    Irene is publicy trialed- guity for feeding the poor
    dedication to Irene McCormack
    At 8pm, Irene was found guity for feeding the poor.