Schilling's Medieval History

  • 200

    The Beginning of the Medieval Period and the fall of the Roman Empire

    The Beginning of the Medieval Period and the fall of the Roman Empire
    The medieval period started with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. It collapsed because it became to big to control and defend. The Huns attacked Germanic tribes and pushed them back. The Roman Empire's religion was Greek Gods from mythology.
  • Period: 200 to Jan 1, 1453

    Medieval Europe

    Europe was repeatedly fought over by various tribes and colonies.
    New emperors and kings rose up and defeated existing leaders, while territory and land always shifted.
    These patterns repeated because people back then didn't know many other ways/things to do. Things changed when the Italian Renaissance went underway. Christianity and Islam religions didn't repeat, however, and neither did more empires rising up.
  • Jan 1, 717

    The Arabs Attempt to Conquer Constantinople

    The Arabs Attempt to Conquer Constantinople
    The Arabs attempt to conquer Constantinople again. They tried once before, in 677 AD, but failed. This time, the emporer, Leo the Isaurian, countered the attempt with a poisonous mixture and many forces.
    Date:University of Evansville,'Medieval Europe Timeline',(29-7-12)
    Picture:Bridgeman Art Library,'Leo III's Victory',(29-7-12),'s-victory-over-the-Saracens-at-Constantino
  • Jul 29, 760

    Charlemagne becomes Ruler of the West

    Charlemagne becomes Ruler of the West
    To be specific, he became king of the Franks and then Emperor. While under his rule, this kingdom became even larger than they had been previously.
    Also while he was ruler, Charlemagne sent people to build schools and develop new handwriting.
  • Jul 29, 1066

    William the Conqueror claims England

    William the Conqueror claims England
    This was during the battle of Hastings. He sailed to England and defeated the Saxon King Harold. WIlliam and his nobles built stone castles and ruled successfully. England's language evolves. This fuses English and French cultures together because he is both King of England and Duke of Normandy.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1291


    Christian kings started Crusades during this time to push back Muslim forces. But this only put more pressure on their empire and lost them land. However, most of the Eastern lands were lost to the Sultan of Rum. The last Crusade took place in 1291 AD.
  • Jan 1, 1164

    Henry II Constructs the Constitutions of Clarendon

    Henry II Constructs the Constitutions of Clarendon
    He does this because his courts are falling to others and he needs to regain power. Thomas Becket, an archbishop, resists this. A quarrel breaks out and then he is murdered. The result of this is the abandonment of Henry's program.
    Date:University of Evansville,'Medieval Europe Timeline',(29-7-12)
    Picture:MiddleAges.Org,'Timeline of King Henry',(29-7-12),
  • Jan 1, 1187

    Muslims Recapture Jerusalem

    Muslims Recapture Jerusalem
    The Muslims recapture Jerusalem, and the Third Crusade is ordered. It is led by the German Emporer, Frederick Barbarossa, French King Philip Augustus and English King Richard. It was not successful.
    Date:University of Evansville,'Medieval Europe Timeline',(29-7-12)
    Picture:Lucas Chen,'3rd Crusade, Seige of Arce'(29-7-10)
  • Jul 29, 1347

    The Black Death Begins to Spread

    6/10 of the population died during this horrific event. It turned people to the Church for guidance. This event lasted for around four years. This appeared during a time of economic depression. The Black Death is a combination of bubonic and pneumonic plagues and it had a major impact on society.
  • Jan 1, 1358

    The Jacquerie

    The Jacquerie
    The lower class of France uprises, called the Jacquerie. The peasants burn castles and murder lords (and their wives). During this time, the king is captive in England. They take advantage of the political confusion and try to reform the government system.
    Date:University of Evansville,'Medieval Europe Timeline',(29-7-12)
    Picture:Senex Magister,'Edward III of England', (29-7-12)
  • Jul 29, 1453

    Constantinople Fell to the Muslim Turks

    Constantinople Fell to the Muslim Turks
    The Muslim Turks attack the Christian capital of Constantinople, successfully defeating it. It then became the Muslim Ottoman Empire. Charles VII captures Bordeaux in the southwest and ends the 'Hundred Year War'.