Salvation History Timeline

By ciresem
  • 2000 BCE

    Abraham Born

    Abraham Born
    Abraham, father of many descendants, was born.
  • 1925 BCE

    Abraham & Sarah arrive in Canaan

    Abraham & Sarah arrive in Canaan
    After many days of traveling, Abraham and his wife arrived in the land of Canaan.
  • 1900 BCE

    Sarah gives birth to Isaac

    Sarah gives birth to Isaac
    Sarah, who was barren, gave birth to her first son.
  • 1836 BCE

    Rebekah gives birth to Jacob & Esau

    Rebekah gives birth to Jacob & Esau
    Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, gives birth to twins, Jacob and Esau.
  • 1750 BCE

    Israelites settle in Egypt

    Israelites settle in Egypt
    Israelites, who settled in Egypt, were made into slaves because Pharaoh was afraid of them revolting against the Egyptians.
  • 1290 BCE

    Moses leads the Exodus from Egypt

    Moses leads the Exodus from Egypt
    Moses, who was raised by an Egyptian princess, led the Israelites out of slavery and out of Egypt.
  • 1250 BCE

    Joshua invades Canaan with the Israelites

    Joshua invades Canaan with the Israelites
    The Lord asked Joshua to lead the Israelites into Canaan.
  • 1200 BCE

    Judges (Deborah, Samson, etc) lead Israelites in Canaan

    Judges (Deborah, Samson, etc) lead Israelites in Canaan
    The three judges lead Israelites into Canaan.
  • 1020 BCE

    Saul is named 1st king of Israel

    Saul is named 1st king of Israel
    Saul was anointed the first King of Israel. He was anointed by the prophet Samuel.
  • 1000 BCE

    King David names Jerusalem as the capital

    King David names Jerusalem as the capital
    King David conquered Jerusalem, which was later destroyed by the Babylonians.
  • 961 BCE

    King Solomon builds the Temple.

    King Solomon builds the Temple.
    Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem, which was known at the Holy Temple, and later destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar.
  • 922 BCE

    Kingdom divides into Israel and Judah.

    Kingdom divides into Israel and Judah.
    The Israelite Kingdom divided into two new kingdoms, Kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judah.
  • 783 BCE

    Time of the prophet Amos.

    Time of the prophet Amos.
    Amos was one of the Twelve Minor Prophets. He was born in Kingdom of Judah, but preached in Kingdom of Israel.
  • 721 BCE

    Assyrians conquered Israel.

    Assyrians conquered Israel.
    Samaria, the ruling city of the Kingdom of Israel, was conquered by the Assyrians.
  • 597 BCE

    Babylonians conquer Judah

    Babylonians conquer Judah
    The Babylonians defeated Pharaoh Necho at the Battle of Carchemish, and then invaded Judah.
  • 538 BCE

    Persians allow Jews to return to Judah

    Persians allow Jews to return to Judah
    The Jews in Babylon were allowed to return to the Land of Israel because of Cyrus's rule
  • 332 BCE

    Greeks conquer Holy Land

    Greeks conquer Holy Land
    Alexander the Great was a Macedonian ruler who conquered Jerusalem in 332 BC
  • 167 BCE

    Maccabees revolt against Greeks

    Maccabees revolt against Greeks
    The revolt of the Maccabees was from 167 BC – 160 BC. Judas Maccabee led an army of Jewish dissidents to victory over the Seleucid Empire when they were refusing to worship the Greek gods.
  • 63 BCE

    Romans conquer Holy Land

    Romans conquer Holy Land
    The Romans conquered much of the known world, including Israel the Holy Land which ended the reign of the Greeks.
  • 1 CE

    Jesus is born

    Jesus is born
    Jesus' parents, Joseph and Mary were living in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus' birth on December 25th and later moved to Nazareth.