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Russian Timeline

  • December Revolt

    December Revolt
    A Russian group of military officails organised a revolt against Niholas I. Nicholas crushed the revolt and sent sent people who helped or did anything to do with the revolt to Siberia. The idea the revolt and put the idea in peoples mind.
  • Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Surfs

    Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Surfs
    There was no workers because too many people were Serfs. The Czar freeded all Serfs and allowed them to buy land. That angerd them because they have no money.
  • The Assination of Alexander II

    The Assination of Alexander II
    He was killed after being forced to give up his throne. The people were mad because he killed people at Bloody Sunday. The people now don't have a Czar and are free.
  • The Russian - Japenes war

    The Russian - Japenes war
    Russia expanding into Korea provoked Japan. The czar went into the war thinking it would be a quick, glourous victory. This made people mad that theu were going into a war, and the czar left his wife in charge.
  • Bloody Sundy

    Bloody Sundy
    Was a peaceful march trying to stop the war. Hundreads of peaceful marchers got killed. This influced people to riot because peaceful people were killed.
  • Czar Nicholas II Abicates The Throne

    Czar Nicholas II Abicates The Throne
    A march was organised and hundreads were shot and killed. After that Nicholas abdicates his throne. That angerd people and puts the idea of not haveing a czar on their mind.
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    Riots striked out everywhere. Nicholas II agreed to elect assembly called the Duma. That let people relyse that when they revolt they get something.
  • The March Rev.

    The March Rev.
    The people revolted at how there is a shortae of food. Hundreads of guards joined in. That ended the war
  • WWI (Russias involment)

    WWI (Russias involment)
    Fist attack on Serbia, which is Russia's "little brother" or ali. Germany attacked Russia. That created a supply shortage and anger Russian civillans.