Russian Revoultion-Travis

  • Period: to


  • 1861

    Czar Aleander finally fred the serfs. Over the next 20 years he introduced a series of liberal farms.
  • 1881

    Members of one radical group. The peoples will atemped to assinate Czar Alexander 2 several times. Finally succeded in 1881
  • 1898

    Marxists decdided to form the socialist democratic party labour party (SDLP).Members of the group were fourced into exile. Russian Czar banned the political group.Members included Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky
  • 1905

    Marched to czar nicholas winter palace to demand food and better working conditions.Day became to be knowed as bloody sunday
  • 1917

    A temporary Goverment was in place that struggled for any real power in russia.
  • 1917

    Apirl 1917 Vladimir lenin, leader of the communist Bolshviks called for the end of russian particaption in the war
  • 1922

    Several republices joined to create the union of Soviet Socialist Repuplics, which was led by Lenin. Factories gave in to the workers about wages and working condtions
  • 1924

    Lenin died from a stroke.The soviet union experinced a new from of comunism under joesph stalin. Known as Stailnism
  • 1928

    Stalin became surpreme leader of the country. Aranged for Trotskys removal from communist party and for his exile. Then was killed in mexcio
  • 1936-1939

    elimanted his oppents within the communist party and his soviet armed forces. Rewritting of history by alertering the soviet uniom archieves and perscribbing a state of view of he history of the country