Russian Revoultion PD3

  • Backround to the revoultion

    Backround to the revoultion
    Russia experienced great changes in 1861and the serfs were freed. Also discontenited Rusia formed a number of organizations.
  • The 1905 revoultion

    The 1905 revoultion
    Russia economy slowed down alot and the country waged a unsuccesful war with japan. Their soldiers fired on the demonstrometers.
  • World war 1 (1914_- 1918)

     World war 1 (1914_- 1918)
    Germany declared war on russia and russia changed the german army. Many soldiers refused to go on and fight the war with germany.
  • The febraury Revoultion

    The febraury Revoultion
    The russian people rebelled against Czar Nicholas 2. The government was unable to resolve that many challenges facing russia. Also riots broke out.
  • The october Revoultion

    The october Revoultion
    Trosky escaped from prison in 1907 and the serfs were freed. The government moved the capital of Russia to moscow.
  • Aftermath

    communist Russia gradually transformed itself in the soviet union. It requoncerd Urkaine which it lost it in 1918.