
Russian Revolutions

  • Alexander |||

    Alexander |||
    Used harsh measures to wipe out revolutionaries, secret police spied on secondary schools and universities to enforce the ban of using minority languages and religions.
  • Trans-Siberian Railway

    Trans-Siberian Railway
    Constructing the world's longest rail line took over two and a half decades, connecting the European Russia in the west with Russian Pacific Ports in the East.
  • Japan Attacks

    Japan Attacks
    Attacking the Russians at Port Arthur, Manchuria, Japan was angry over a signed series of agreements that Russia had broken, this Russian loss sparked unrest at home and led to a revolt
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    About 200,000 workers and their families marched to the Czar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Carrying with them a petition, they wanted an elected national legislature, better working conditions and more personal freedom. Their demands were met with a spray of gunfire. More than 1,000 were wounded and several hundred were killed. Nicknamed "Bloody Sunday" by the Russians, this event provoked a wave of strikes and violence that spread across the country.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    Dragging Russia into World War 1, a fateful decision made by Nicholas ||. Unprepared to handle the military and economic costs; weak generals and poorly equipped troops were no match for the Germans. Equipped with little to no rifles, they were told to pick up the weapons from the bodies of the dead soldiers. Advanced machine guns mowed down advancing Russian's by the thousands. Not even a year had passed and more than 4 million Russian soldiers had been killed, wounded or taken prisoner.
  • "Down with War"

    "Down with War"
    Nearly 200,000 women textile workers in Petrograd led a citywide strike, shouting "Down with the war!" and although soldiers obeyed orders at first to fire on the protesters, they later joined them.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Forced to surrender a large part of its territory after signing this treaty with Germany and their allies, these humiliating terms triggered widespread anger among many Russians.
  • USSR

    Lenin organised Russia into several self governing republics under the central government, which was renamed the Union of Soviet Republics, in honour of the councils that helped launch the Bolshevik Revolution.
  • Stalin

    Aimed to create a perfect Communist state in Russia, Stalin planned to transform the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state so he began his rise.
  • Socialized Farming

    Socialized Farming
    Introducing socialized farming, the peasants were forced to pool together their liverstock, land and equipment, though some of them would rather burn down their properties and slaughter their livstock to avoid the collectives.