Russian Revolution Timeline

  • The Decemberist Revolt

    The Decemberist Revolt
    The Decembirist revoltwas when the Rusiian army officers led about 3,000 soldiers against Nichilas the I's rise to the throne after his older brother Constantine removed himself from the line of succsesors. Since the revolt occured in December, the rebels were called Decemberists and revolted in the Senate Square in Saint Perersburg.
  • Alexander II emancipates the serfs

    Alexander II emancipates the serfs
    Alexander II signed the Emancipation Manifesto that proclaimed freedom to all serfs on private estates including domestic serfs. More than 23 million poeple were liberated and gained the full rights of free citizens. Serfs also gained land from their landowners. Indvituals who led the reform were in favor of a economic system with free trade and the act bosted the economy. Alexander II gained support from serfs, but lost support from many nobles.
  • Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia

    Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
    Nicholas was the eldest son of ALexander II and was very close with his family. Nicholas inherited the trone when his father unexpectidly died in 1894. He was officially crowned the Czar in 1896. He was illprepared to rule Russia and had little knowledge with the affairs of the state, which helped him make many poor decison in the Russo-Japenese War and Bloody Sunday.
  • The Social-Democratic Labor Party splits into the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks

    The Social-Democratic Labor Party splits into the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
    The Russian Social Democratic Party was meant to unite the revolutianary parties of Russia but eventually split in 1903. The root of the split was caused the Lenin wated the party to be kept small while Martov wanted the party to be as large as possible. Evtually, the parties split in 1903, and a few months later severed all ties with eachother.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The Russo-Japenese war grew out of a rivery between the Russian and Japenese Empire for the terretories of Manchuria and Korea.
    After Japan attacked a Russian fleet, a full out war began. Russia suffered numerous defeats under the poor military hand of Nicholas II. Finally Nicholas eventually surrendered and signed the Treaty of Portsmouth which gave Japan Korea and Manchuria and the warm water Port Arthur.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    On January 22, 1905 unharmed demonstrators marched in St. Petersburg led by Father Georgy Gapon. The Imperial Guards fired on the unarmed protestors as they marched to present a petition to Czar Nicholas II. Over 1,000 people were killed and the massacure provoked outrage throughout the country.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    The Revolution of 1905 was a wave of mass political and social unrest through the Russian Empire. The revolution gained momentum after Bloody Sunday as workers went on strike and peasants stormed the homes of nobles. In December the Russian troops had arrived back from the Russo-Japanese War and put down all signs of revolt.
  • Russia in WWI

    Russia in WWI
    Russia joined WWI after Germany declared war on them in 1914. When the war began, the Russian army invaded Prussia,but the countries lack of railroads and roads made an invasion challeging. Only 10,000 of 150,000 soldiers escaped and killed Russia's hope of winning the war. Russia lacked enough weapons for its large military and lost many territories as well as 2 million soldiers. In March 191, Russia surendered to Poland, Ukraine, Caucasus, the Baltic Repulics, and Finland.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    The March Revolution began when the Russia people were angry about the cost of lives in WWI and joined with soldiers to riot in the streets and cause complete chaos. When Nicholas II, did nothing to stop the protestors, the riots were soon unconrollable and the Duma formed a temporary government (provisional government) to retore order.
  • Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government

    Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government
    After Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne the provisional government was immediatly set up. Kerensky was first made Minister of Justice and then Misister of War in the Provisional Government. He quickly continued to rise up the ranks and in July he was named Prime Minister. Kerensky was a effective leader but made the errors of not giving th peasants land and did not withdraw from WWI, and soon the Boleshiviks took over.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates his throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates his throne
    On March 17, 1917 Nicholas II abdicated the throne after many days of turmoil in the country. He left the throne to Grand Ducke Micheal, who declined to accept the through untill the people could vote. Nicholas was the last czar and after he abdicated the throne, he and his familiy were under control of the Bolsheviik rule.
  • The Bolsheviks Storm the Winter Palace

    The Bolsheviks Storm the Winter Palace
    After Vatimir Lenin returned to Russia in April after his exile, he continued to rally people to overthrow the Provisional Government. Eventulally the government gave the Bolsheviks weapons to guard St.Petersburg. Now that the Bolsheviks were armed, the assualted the Winter palace on the night of October 25, 1917. The Battle was relativily bloodless and when the Boleshvicks gained control, a bloddy civil war began.
  • The Russian Civil War begins

    The Russian Civil War begins
    After the October Revolution, the Boleshiviks gained control of Russia. Soon fights broke out between the Red Army(communist) and the white army(ant-communist) Many foreign armies supported the white army but they eventually lost the civil war in Siberia in 1919. The civil war cost around 9 million lives including civilians.
  • Nicholas II and his family are executed

    After Nicholas II abdicated the throne, tthe royal familyt were kept as prisinors near St. Petersburg and then were transported past the Ural mountains into the town of Ekaterinburg. As the White army approached the town to free them, the family members were taken to the basement to take a supposed picture. Guards then quickly filled into the room and shot the family and their attendants. The bodies were then buried, covered in tar, and had railroad tracks put over them to hide the bodies.
  • Vladimir Lenin dies and Joseph Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union

    After many years of etremely taxing work, Leni's health began to fade in March of 1922. Since he failed to name a sucsessor Stalin began to take over. By March 1923, Lenin had suffered three strokes and died on January 21, 1924. Stalin fought for the position of leader and killed many of his opponents untill he was the supreme leader.