Russian Revolution pd1

By LoganGo
  • Period: to

    backround of the revolution

    peasants socailstic sought to start a revolution among the Russian peasants
  • Period: to

    Backround to the Revolution

    marxists formed the Russain social demorcratic labor party
  • serf were freed by czars

    the serfs were freed in 1861, recived little land and were heavily in dept
  • economy slowed

    russin ecomomy slowed, the country waged on U.S. successful war with japan, and socil unrest grew
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    shootings fueled even greater demonstations
  • escape

    trotsky had escaped in 1907 and gone into exile
  • start of WW1

    Germany declard war om Russia in Agust 1914
  • czar murder

    Russiannobles loyal to the czar murder
  • food shortage

    riots over food and coal shortages
  • his throne is resigned

    the government forced czar nicholas to abdicate