Russian revolution 1917

Russian Revolution

  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Unarmed demonstrators lead by Father Gapon a priest and a political activist were shot at by soldiers of the Imperial Guard whilst on the way to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II in St Petersburg. It is unknown how many causualties there were, but it is estimated that 1,000 were killed or injured from shots or trampled in the choas.
    This was the start of the the downfall of the Tsar Nicholas II, the last Emperor of all Russia.
  • WWI begins for Russia

    WWI begins for Russia
    Germany declares war on Russia
  • Tsar Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    Tsar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
    The Duma force Nicholas II to abdicate his throne after the Febuary revolution. Tsar Russia came to an end and the monarchy of Russia was disbanded and the Provisional Government replaced it.
    In the Provisional Government Alexander Kerensky was elected the minister of war in May and then the Prime Minister in July.
  • February Revolution begins

    February Revolution begins
    The February Revolution involved mass demonstrations and armed clashes with the Russian police and gendarmes. There was no real formal planning for the revolution, but the social and economical pressures compounded by WWI had built up and contributed to the problems.
  • February Revolution Ends

    February Revolution Ends
  • July Days

    July Days
    In Petrograd Russian soldiers and industrial workers participated in demonstrations against the Russian Provisional Government.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    The October Revolution or officially known as the Great October Socialist Revolution was like the February Revolution in that it overthrew the new Provisional Government, the same as the February Revolution overthrew the Tsar Government.
  • Russian Civil War begins

    Russian Civil War begins
    The Civil War was a direct result of the Russian Revolution, different patrties were all fighting for Russia's political future. The main two factions were the Red Guard (fighting for the Bolsheviks) and the White Army. The white army were an anti-communist group who were loosly supported by the Allies.
  • WWI ends for Russia

    WWI ends for Russia
    The First World War ends for Russia after they sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, giving the German Empire, Austria and the Ottoman Empire large pieces of teritory and 6 billion gold mark in reparations.
  • Russian Civil War ends

    Russian Civil War ends
    The war was a victory for the Red Army in most parts of Russia, except in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland which were taken by pro-independence movements.
    Lavr Kornilov was a military intelligence officer, explorer, and general in the Imperial Russian before becoming one of the leaders of the White Army.
    The Bolsheviks, founded by Vladimir Lenin were the White Armys main aponent and supported communism in Russia.