Russian Revolution

  • Russia pulls out of WWI

  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Included a group of unarmed demonstrators marching to strive for change within the government and with the Tsar. While the petitoiners approched the place the Tsar had ordered soldiers to fire upon them, leaving many dead and injured.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    Massive upset throughout the empire of Russia due to political and social unrest. Started due to interuptive anger from the working class against unfair conditions and no credit.
  • Creation of DUMA

    Creation of DUMA
    The Duma were council assemblies which were created by the Czar of Russia. It was a government institution formed during the reign of the last Tcar.
  • Russia enters WWI

    Russia enters WWI
    Rssia enters WWI due to a declarence to fight by Germany. Te aggressive place it is, they were up to fight.
  • March revolution begins

  • Nicholas II abdicates the throne

  • Kerensky heads the provisional government

  • Lenin returns from exile in Germany

  • stalin comes to power

    stalin comes to power
    Stalin was appointed general secretary of the party's Central Committee in 1922. He was included in the Bolshevik revolutionaries who took part in the Russian Revolution of 1917.
  • Civil War begins

  • Lenin takes power

    Lenin takes power
    Lenin was a Russian communist, revolutionary, politician and political theorist. Strongly belived in a solid and strict powerful government for Russia, with no say from the people of Russia.
  • Assassination of Romanov family

    Assassination of Romanov family
    The family was assassinated at one time. they thought them being moved to another place was going to protect them. Not even were the daughters left to survive due to possible objection.
  • Russo-Japenese War

  • Trotsky wins the Civil War

    Trotsky wins the Civil War
    Trotsky was the head of the Red Army, and continued to push through and fight endlessly.
  • Russian becomes a totalitarian state

    Russian becomes a totalitarian state
    This event in time was when the government is in total control of everything that goes on in the people of Russias lives. Not one bit of privacy or own-minded desicions. stalin would make every kid, and adult learn and work towards the ideals of communism.
  • Great Purge

    Great Purge
    I involved a large-scale purge of the Communist Party and government officials. Leadership of the Red Army and the control of the peasnts was Stalins idea of a strong political repression.