Russian Revolution

  • Decemberist Revolt

    A small group of nobles and army officers tried to overthrow the czars government in December. The outcome was that he imposed strict censhorship, he banned books from the west that might contain liberal ideas. More than 150,000 people were acused of treason. Also he enforced nationalism.
  • Nicholas II becomes Czar

    Nicholas was not very popular when he became the Czar of Russia. He didn't act like other leaders and didn't like to necessarly do work as the leader of Russia. He became the czar after his father died and his wife Alexandra became czarist with him.
  • Russain War with Japan

    Russia and Japan fought a war over control Manchuria and Korea. Japan won the war despite having more troops than Russia. This war showed the poor organization of Russian military in Russia's leader. It eventually led people to demand more freedom and it also led to the Russian Revolution.
  • Bloody Sunday

    The Czar opened up the gates and the gaurds fired at the protesters outisde the palace. It was led by Georgy Gapon and they went to present demands directly to the Czar. About 1,000 people died because of the police. Because of this, Nicholas gained his nickname "Bloody Nicholas". More uprisings led to the revolution of 1905
  • World War WWI ( Russian Involvement )

    Nicholas spent a lot of time in the Eastern Front in World War I. He failed at attacking and lost. After the loss, he was later abdicated.
  • The March Revolution

    The March revolution was a march that was started by demonstrors that were wanting bread. They started to gather more people and soon it led to taking over police stations.
  • Czar Nicholas Abdicates the Throne

    Following along with the Russian struggles in WWI, there was an uprising with the russian workers and the army joins. The Czar is forced to give up his throne and he gets arrested. This is end of the czarist rule. Nicholas and his family are taken to Yekaterburg and they are executed.
  • The Russian Civil War

    Disagreement over the treaty of Brest-Litovsk leads to a split between the Mensheviks and the Bolshovviks. The Bolsheviks were the Whites and the Menshaviks were the Red.
  • Russian Civil War

    Disagreement over treaty of Brest-Litovsk leads to split the reds and the whites. The cheka led to a campaign of terror . Civil war breaks out by 1919 to rid to the country of red socialists. The civil war leaves 6 million dead, the Bolsheviks get Ukraine , Georgia, Azerbajan and the Baltics.
  • The Creation of the USSR

    This happened after the Bolsheviks won the Russian Civil War. Lenin became supreme leader of the state, and stablished the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the USSR. This consisted of Russia, as well as many smaller republics like the Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and the Baltics.
  • Vladimir Lenin Death

    Vladimir Lenin died of a brain hemorrhage. Petrograd was named after him, Leningrad. After he died, Joseph Stalin took over for him.