Russian Revolution

  • Czars Resist Change

    Czars Resist Change
    Czars continue their unfair rule in Russia, and kept all of the power for themselves. This causes revolutionaries to start to plot against the government. This is the beginning of the Russian Revolution, when the people begin to realize the inequalities of the government.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    Russia and Japan were fighting over control of Manchuria and Korea, and decided to have agreements over it. But Russia broke this agreement and Japan attacks Russia. The losses that were reported caused many people to start to become unhappy with the decisions of the czar.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    200,000 workers approach the palace demanding better working conditions, freedoms, and a better legislature. However, the czar orders the soldiers to fire on the crowd and 200 people are killed. This starts a wave of protesting and strikes across the country, and the formation of Duma, Russia’s first parliament.
  • Entering WW1

    Entering WW1
    Nicholas II makes the decision to enter WW1. This is a bad decision by him as the German army is too powerful compared to the weak army of the Russians. In less than a year, over 4 million Russian soldiers had been injured, killed, or captured. This causes the war to become extremely unpopular for the Russian people.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    This revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies. This causes Nicholas II to abdicate the throne, and he and his family are executed. This event ends the rule of czars in Russia.
  • Lenin Returns From Exile

    Lenin Returns From Exile
    He was sent by the Germans in hope to pull Russia from the already unpopular war. Lenin gains the support of the people easily as they are extremely unhappy with the government. This was the strong leader that the people needed for a revolution.
  • Provisional Government is Formed

    Provisional Government is Formed
    Leaders of Duma create a provisional government to take control after the October Revolution, led by Alexander Kerensky. However, he chooses to stay fighting in WW1 and this made things worse inside the country. This causes the rise of socialism and in many cities, the Soviets held more power than the government.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    The Bolsheviks along with Lenin use the slogan “land, peace, and bread” to gain support. They storm the Winter Palace in Petrograd and seize power. This revolution was the end of the provisional government in Russia and the start of the rise to power of the Bolsheviks.
  • The Russian Civil War

    The Russian Civil War
    Many people within the country supported the czarist rule and did not like Lenin’s socialism. These people formed the White Army and fought the Bolsheviks’ Red Army. Trotsky, a military leader for the Red Army, led them to victory and they defeated the White Army. This caused huge amounts of damage to the land and the people, as 14 million Russians were killed.
  • Bolsheviks Seize Power

    Bolsheviks Seize Power
    The Bolsheviks decided to spread the land out and for it to be given to the peasants. They also signed a peace treaty with Germany that would hopefully stop fighting. However, this angered many people because a large amount of land was lost. This was the start of why many people disliked the Bolsheviks and their decisions.