Russian Revolution

  • Micheal

    Michael (1613-1645) was the first “Romanov” ruler
  • Czar's Abdication

    2 problems in Russia that led to the czar’s abdication in 1917
    - With Nicholas's poor decision making on some occasions were the reason that he is remembered in history as Bloody Nicholas.
  • Alexander II Significant Event

    The most significant event in the rule of Alexander II was he modernized Russia by freeing the serfs
  • Nicholas I took to maintain power

    Nicholas I took to maintain power
    1 significant step Nicholas I took to maintain power was in 1849, he helped the Habsburgs to suppress the uprising in Hungary, and he also urged Prussia not to adopt a liberal constitution.
  • Vladimir Lenin

    The birth of Vladimir Lenin and 1 event in his life that would help him to become leader of the Revolution.
    - April 22, 1870, Ulyanovsk, Russia
  • Nicholas II

    Nicholas II
    Nicholas II (1894-1917) was the last “Romanov” emperor (czar)