Russian Revolution

By thokle
  • Decembrist Revolt

    In 1825, the Russian army led 3000 people to protests against Nicolas I. The place in which it happend, sait petersburge, was renamed to decembrist square.
  • Alexander II emancipates the serfs

    Alexander the II emancipated the serfs. This led to thousands of peasants and poor people being free from forced labor andfreedome to marry who they want.
  • Nicolas II becomes the czar

    On november 1st 1894, Nicolas the II became the czar of Russia. His rule started from the most greatest power, to total economic and military collapse.
  • Mensheviks/Bolsheviks

    In 1903, there was a dispute in the Ruissan Government and this led to the politcal parties seperating. One was the Menshoviks, and the other was the Bolsheviks.
  • Ruissan Japanees War

    Ruissan Japanees War
    In 1904, Russia and Japan had a falling out. This is because Russia wanted a port on the ocean to have maritime trade and services. The japanees did not agree with that, and as a result, the Russian Japanees war occured.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    On this day in 1905, people got together to protest against Nicolas the Second. As a result to that, thousands of people were either shot or severely wounded by the Ruissan army directed by Nicolas the Second.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    In 1905, a huge disaster and social unrest occured in Ruissa. Peasants had no rights and there was no money. People started protesting and causing riots.
  • WWI

    In 1914 through 1918, Russia was at war with Germany in WWI. This didnt help that Russia was already corrupt and very poor. The war did not help their economic problem at all.
  • Nicolas II adbicates the throne.

    Nicolas II adbicates the throne.
    After all the riots and Russian army turning on their leader, Nicolas II leaves the throne because he could not handle it anymore. As a result of that, he and his family are sent to siberia as basically prisoneers
  • Alexander becomes leader

    Alexander becomes leader
    In 1917, Alexander the great becomes the ruler of Russia. He was a huge savior to Russia. He had done some very important things such as emancipating the serfs
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    When Nicolas II left the throne, a group of people called soviets started taking over the Country and changing it for the worse.
  • Lenin/Bolsheviks capture Winter Palace

    Lenin/Bolsheviks capture Winter Palace
    After Nicolas II was sent off, lenin and his group, called Bolsheviks stormed the winter palace and destroyed everything. Their goal was to erase all memory of the last czar and his possesions and pictures.
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    In 1917, two groups were fighting eachother for power. The red army, and the white army. One was communist and the other was not. But in the end, the red army won.
  • Nicolas II and family killed

    Nicolas II and family killed
    In 1918, Former Czar, Nicolas II and his family pose for what they think was a family photo, but suddenly a firing squad came in and killed every single person. They later buried the family in an unkown location until peopel discover it and can analyze what happened.
  • Lenin dies and Stalin bcomes leader of Russia

    Lenin dies and Stalin bcomes leader of Russia
    In 1924, tradgically, Lenin dies of multiple strokes. As a result of that, Joseph Stalin becomes the leader of Russia. And with him, he brings communism and terror to the once great land.