Russian Revolution

By jro516
  • First Romanov Leader - Michael Romanov

    Elected to end the "Time of Troubles" in Russia, he was only 16 when he was elected Czar
  • Nicholas I Maintaining Power

    Nicholas I declared war on the Ottoman's to maintain Russian Power in Europe
  • Alexander II

    He decided to end the practice of serfdom because it wasn't helping the country and was causing people to be unhappy.
  • Vladimir Lenin

    He was kicked out of college and after this he started reading of literature by revoluntionaries like Karl Marx.
  • Last Romanov Czar - NIcholas II

    Nicholas II was the last of the Romanov family to rule Russia because he and his family were exiled on July 17, 1918. He ruled from November 1, 1894 until March 15, 1917 when he was forced to abdicate.
  • Czar Nicholas's Abdication

    The 1% of the population that were extremely wealthy had 25% of the control of the classes and people were starving. Also, an event named Bloody Sunday where hundreds of protestors were killed brought shame to his rule.