Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    1904/1905 Russo-Japanese War

    War between Russia and Japan
    Location of battle: Manchuria, Yellow Sea, Korean Peninsula, and sea between Korea and Japan
    Russia advanced down South, expanding control in China, Manchuria and eventually to Korea. Setting up trading post and naval base in Port Arthur.
    Japan, at the time, was expanding its control in Asia, and saw Russia's expansion as threat and intervension in Asia.
    Japan declares war on Russia. In the end Russia lost the battle, major blow to their navy.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Unarmed workers/demonstrators marched to the Winter Palace, presenting their petition to Tsar Nicholas II.
    The demonstrators were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Gurad.
  • Period: to

    Russia on Strike

    All of Russia is on strike.
    First Soviet(council) formed in St. Peterburg.
  • October Manifesto

    October Manifesto
    Some civil liberties provided.
    Creation of Duma.
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Feb/March Revolution

    20,000 Steelworkers on strike
  • Feb/March Revolution

    Women take to streets to demonstrate.
  • Feb/March Revolution

    Half of Petrograd(St.Petersburgh) on strike.
  • Feb/March Revolution

    Soldiers fire upon crowds of demonstraters and strikers.
  • Feb/March Revolution

    Tsar closes the Duma.
  • Feb/March Revolution

    Soldiers mutiny and establish the Petrograd Soviet with wokers and sailors.
  • Feb/March Revolution

    Tsar returns to Petrograd
  • Feb/March Revolution

    Tsar loses support of the army after disasterous defeats in WWI battlefields.
  • Feb/March Revolution

    Tsar abdicates.
  • Period: to

    Provisional Government

    • Established after the abdication of the Tsar
    • The Provisional Government was made up of members from the Duma
    • Promised Constituent Assembly with universal sevret ballot and to legalize strikes.
    • Power stuggle in the government, between liberals and Marxists Problems:
    • Did not recognize itself as government, not elected
    • Continued the war effort
    The Provisional Government was disbanned after the October Revolution, than Lenin comes into power.
  • Period: to

    Provisional Government in Russia

    Founded in March 15, 1017
    Dissolved in July 10117
  • April Theses

    Lenin returns from hiding, with help from the German army.
    He is disturbed by the complacency of the revoutionaries who were not willing to push the revolution any further.
    He called for:
    a) The proletariat and peasants to bring about the communist revolution.
    b) Immediate peace with Germany, end the war.
    c) Seizure of the gentry land.
    d) All power to the Soviets.
    e) Seizure of factories.
    Slogan: 'Peace, Bread, and Land'
  • Period: to

    July Putsch

    Bolsheviks and radicals and workers demonstrate
    Fail, many Bolshevik leaders arrested.
    Lenin flees.
  • Kornilov Affair

    General Kornilov's attempted coop to overthrow the Provisional Government, and to impliment military control.
    Kerensky, leader of socialists and PM, calls the Red Guard(Bolshevik) to stop the take over.
    Bolsheviks gain more favor from people, the Provisional Government seemed incapable to run the country.
  • Period: to

    The Oct/Nov Revolution

    Bolshevik take over of the Provisional Government
    - No resistence
    Petrograd falls under the Soviets: Oct 13
    Moscow falls under the Soviets: Oct 23
  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War

    War betwwen Reds(Soviets) and Whites(everyone else in Russia).
    - Tsarist Army Officers
    - Cossacks
    - Bourgeoisie
    - Outlawed political groups
    Also the Allied nations intervened in the Civil War, supporitng the Whites.(1918)
    Tsar Nicholas II was assassinated/executed during this time, to lower the morale of the Whites.
    At the end the Reds won the war, Russia was now under full control of the Soviets/Bolsheviks.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Peace Treaty
    The new Bolshevik government signed peace treaty with the Central Powers to end the war on Russian soil and the Eastern front.
    - Russia withdraws from the war
    - Bolsheviks maintain control over Russia (promise of Peace proven)
  • Period: to

    War Communism

    Started when the Civil War broke out in Russia.
    Key features of War Communism:
    a) The nationalization of industry
    - The state appropriated the mining, metallurgical, textile, electrical, timber, tobacco, resin, glass and pottery, leather and cement industries, all steam-driven mills, local utilities and private railways together with a few minor industries.
    b) Compulsory labour was introduced.
    c) Private trade was suppressed
    Shortages of food, many people starve in rural areas.
  • Period: to

    Leaague of Nations

    International organization which is set up to resolve conflicts between countries.
    Set up after WWI, in Geneva. Originally Germany and Russia weren't allowed to join, later on they were allowed.
    LoN was successful in some interentions, but mostly ineffective since the set up of the organization failed.(veto) Also USA didnot join the league.
    League of Nations was dissolved after WWII, then replaced by United Nations.
  • Period: to

    New Economic Policy

    Premitted private trade.
    Peasants were allowed to sell surplus.
    Workers in small factories, under 25 employees, were allowed to purchase their factory under a co-operative arrangement and thereby return it to a form of private ownership.
    The New Economic Policy was set by Lenin, after the devastating effect of War Communism on Russian people. It was to compensate for the W.C. and to replace decree on food with higer tax.
    Abolished by Stalin in 1928.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    Agreement between Germany and Russia.
    - Renounced all territorial and financial claims against the other following the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and WWI.
    - Germany gave material and support for Russia's heavy industiralization
    - in return Germany was allowed to build war machines within Russia (Germany was not allowed to build any war machine in their country), in the end, Germany has built enough war machines and weapons for WWII and Russia was able to industrialize quickly.
  • Period: to

    First Five Year Plan

    A) Command Echonomy
    - elimination of free market.
    -Production, distribution and consumption are controlled by the centralized state.
    B) Collectivization
    - Forcing peasants to give up their own land and become workers on the collective farms.
    C) Havey Industry
    - Stalin wanted to force the development heavy of industry in order to allow the USSR to build necessary infrastructure.
    - Radically improved production
    - became 4 year plan.
    - enormous cost of human suffering.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact/Pact of Paris

    Kellogg-Briand Pact/Pact of Paris
    International agreement in which signatory states promised not to use war to resolve disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them.
    Signed by:
    - Germany, France, and the US.
    Peaceful settlement of disputes without provoking war between countries.
  • Period: to

    Second Five Year Plan

    The Second Five-Year Plan gave heavy industry top priority, putting the Soviet Union not far behind Germany as one of the major steel-producing countries of the world. Further improvements were made in communications, especially railways, which became faster and more reliable. As was the case with the other five-year plans, the second was not as successful, failing to reach the recommended production levels in such areas as the coal and oil industries. The second plan employed incentives as well
  • Period: to

    The Purges

    Large-scale purge of the Communist Party and government officials.
    - Killed most of the army's top generals
    - Wiped out high ranking officers in military.
    - killed all the officials involved in Civil War and the revolution, Stalin saw them as threat to his current position.
    Russia's Red Army was weakened without its senior officers.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact/Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact/Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
    Treay of non-aggression between Germany and USSR.
    Guarantee of non-belligerence by either party towards the other, and a commitement that neither party would ally with or aid an enemy of the other party.
    - This gave time for USSR to build up its army to protect itself from the Nazi Germany.
    - The pact was broken when Germany invaded Russia in 1941