Russia and Communism in the 20th Century

  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    Key people: Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trutsky, Alex Kerensky & Pavel Dybenko The Bolshevik Revolution was a movement led by Vladimir Lenin of the Bolshevik group. This group was created to overthrow the Provisional Government of Russia and give power to the local Soveits. This revolution was a seizure of state power. The Bolshevik Red Guards under the Military Revolutionary Committee took over the government buildings on Oct 24. The next day, the Winter Palace in Petrograd was captured.
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    Civil War

    Bolsheviks were known as the Reds, & all other groups apposed to them were called the Whites. The Reds were led by Leon Trotsky. The interventionists, 14 countries, supplied the Whites with equipment and protection - set the new communist regime agasint the capitalist West from the start. Summer of 1918, Whites thought that they would capture Mosow, but the Reds had many advantages, i.e. their leader, had unity of command and controlled heart of Russia. The Reds won in 1921.
  • Treat of Brest-Litovsk

    Treat of Brest-Litovsk
    Key people: Vladimir Lenin The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was established between the Bolsheviks & the Germans during World War I to end the war between Russia & Germany on the Eastern Front. Lenin wanted to open peace negotiations it Germany. He believed since his young government could not solve major problems of Russia, & fight the foreign war, he decided that he was willing to give up large parcels of land in exchange for peace. It also enabled the Bolsheviks to secure their power in Russia.
  • War Communism

    War Communism
    Key Players: the Bolsheviks
    During the summer of 1918, Russia appropriated the nationalization of industry. Soon enough, private industry almost disappeared. Compulsory (required) Labour was introduced & private trade was suppressed. Soon, nationalization of land was proclaimed (all land became state property). Russia desperately needed food for the Red Army & urban pop, so a food levy was decreeded. This ordered the peasants to turn in their food supply, except a small portion to live off of.
  • Lenin's Government

    Lenin's Government
    VideoLenin, the leader of the Bolshevik's, had two initiatives for his government: the war must end immediatley, & peasants of Russia should seize the land. He believed the rich mistreated the poor, so he should help them. He believed in equality & wanted a Gov that represented the people. The Soviets (all Bolsheviks who granted themselves supreme power) established a new Gov with Stalin, Leon Trotksy & Lenin as main leaders.
  • New Economic Policy

    New Economic Policy
    VideoKey Player: Lenin NEP launched to help save Russia's Economy, especially from War Communism. Private trade was permitted. Luckily, peasants benefited most from this policy because they were allowed to sell surplus. Private ownership was introduced again = workers in small factories were allowed to "purchase" their factory under a co-operative arrangment. Created a new group called the NEPmen. Lenin had to compromise some ideals of Marxism to have capilatlist production. Brought some improvement
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    Key people: Germany and USSR
    The Treaty of Rapallo was signed in 1922 at Rapallo, Italy. It was between Germany and the USSR under which each renounced all territorial and financial claims againsgt each other in the Treaty of Brest-Litovks.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    Key people: United States, France, the United Kingdom,
    Germany, Italy, Japan and various other states.
    The Kellogg-Briand Pact was an agreement to outlaw war signed on August 27, 1928. It is sometimes called the Pact of Paris.
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    First Plan

    Key people: Joseph Stalin
    During the period of 1928-1932 Stalin pursued the policy of "collectivization" in agriculture to facilitate the process of rapid indudtrialization. This disruption and repression due to collectivization was a primary cause of the famine of 1932. During this period the first purges were initiated.
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    Key Players: USSR=Stalin, Western nations The USSR wanted to recover from WWI by providing a strong military, so they considered quantity more than quality. The USSR began to participate in the affairs of the Western countries whenever she saw an opportunity to encourage collective security.
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    Second Plan

    Key people: Joseph Stalin
    Due to the success of the first plan Stalin went ahead and implemented a second plan of five years. The Second Plan gave heavy priority to industry putting the Soviet Union not far behind Germany as one of the major steel producing countries of the world.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Key Players: USSR, The League of Nations This is the year that the USSR joined the League of nations. Not a single vote was against the inclusion of the Soviet Union in the Council of the League. However representatives of ten countries abstained from the vote.
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    The Purges

    Key people: Stalin
    The Great Purge was a political repression led by Joseph Stalin from 1934-1940. It involved a large-scale purge of the Communist Party and government officals, repression of peasants and the Red Army leadership.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    Key people: Ribbentop and Molotov
    In August of 1939 representatives from Germany and the Soviet Union Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other.